Do you know that there are a total of 795 girls competing in the last 10 editions of Miss Universe? Imagine how hard it is to pick only 15 out of those and declare them as the most beautiful Miss Universe contestants from the last decade. Regardless, our specially selected members have been invited to do this difficult task and they finally come with a final choice - Top 15 Most Beautiful Miss Universe Contestants from The Last Decade.
If we classify the girls in our list based on the year they competed, 2006 edition has the most entrants with 3 of the 2006 girls are included in our list. In the second place is a four-way tie between 2001, 2004, 2005, and 2008, each with 2 girls in the list. Editions with at least 1 girl in our list are 2002, 2003, 2007, and 2009, while the latest edition of Miss Universe, the 2010 edition, surprisingly has no representative in our list!
Now when we talk about classification based on the regional origins of the girls, Americas leads with 6 girls in the list followed by Europe with 4 girls in second place and Asia Pacific with 3 girls in the third place. While both Africa and Caribbean each only has a single representative in the list.
Okay enough with all those the statistics and now let's just go and meet the girls in the list! Starting with the first 5 girls on the lower tier of our list ...

Top 15 Most Beautiful Miss Universe Contestants from The Last Decade
11. Ieva Kokorevica (Latvia 2005)
12. Agbani Darego (Nigeria 2001)
13. Marigona Dragusha (Kosovo 2009)
14. Elisa Najera (Mexico 2008)
15. Alice Panikian (Canada 2006)
So there are the girls who placed 11th to 15th in our list. Now that we have revealed 5, there are still 10 more girls waiting to be revealed, 4 from Americas, 2 from Europe, 3 from Asia Pacific, and 1 from Caribbean. Can you guess who they are? Stay tuned!
Special thanks to Yoghi Martino Yulian for the awesome banner!