• Full Name : Marco Djelevic Virriat
• National Title : Mister Sweden International 2011
• Age : 21
• Height : 185 cm
• Weight : 81 kg
• Achievement at Mister International 2011 :
Fourth Runner Up (5th place), Mister Photogenic award, and L-Men Best Body award

1 Would you please tell us about yourself and your life?
My name is Marco, I was born in the city of Lund, Sweden. I am a student in Stockholm (majoring in politics) at the moment and enjoy to play all kind of sports. I have many ambitions in my life right now, first of all to finish my education and I also want to start a modeling career around the world.
2 Who or what is the biggest inspiration in your life?
It’s my auntie Tanja Djelevic who is a personal trainer in Hollywood, one of the best in the world. During the time I grew up she taught me so much about life. She is the biggest inspiration for me.
3 If you can describe yourself in 5 words, which 5 worlds would you choose, and why?
Humble, funny, stubborn, ambitious, and charming. It's the combination that makes who I am and what I have become during all the years I have been in this world.
4 What activities you usually love to do in your spare time?
I play soccer a lot. I also play handball and of course I love to spend much time in the gym.

5 How do you feel about your accomplishment at the Mister International 2011 pageant?
I’m very happy and proud of my 5th place and winning the awards of ”Most Photogenic” and ”Best Body”. It was more than I have expected! I would like to thank my National Director Lisa Lents, who believed in me and gave me the opportunity to represent my country, Sweden. I’ve got all of the support I could get before and during the pageant. I’m very grateful for that!
6 What makes you motivated and interested in joining the pageant?
I have a winner attitude and I like to compete. That is my main motivation. But I also love to build new friendships and get a lot of new friends during the pageant. I miss everybody all the time. We got very close and have built strong friendships in a short time.
7 How did you prepare yourself for Mister International 2011?
I didn't have time to prepare so much, because I was very busy with my studies. But I tried to fix everything, train, and sleep well. It’s a trip that you have to prepare very well and put a lot of effort in it. Otherwise it's not possible to handle it.

8 Out of all the places you visited in Bangkok during the competition which one is the most memorable one for you?
Actually it is the temple we visited, I have never seen something like that. It was very cool and it gave me a special feeling.
9 What was the most exciting and the most frightening experience you had during the Mister International 2011 days?
It was standing on the stage during the final and waiting for the Top 16, Top 10, and Top 5 announcement. I was so nervous and excited!!
10 Who was your roommate during the competition? Did you both get along well?
I lived with Mads Mister Denmark during the time in Thailand. We got a long very well and we are almost like we come from the same country. After all, Sweden and Denmark are very close.

11 What is the best lesson you learn from your participation in Mister International 2011?
To enjoy every minute of the life, to think in the present, and not to think too much about tomorrow or yesterday.
12 You won both Mister Photogenic and L-Men Best Body awards. Which one of these awards make you feel more proud?
I knew even before I went to Bangkok that I have a fit body. In fact, since I was younger everybody has always told me that I have one of the best body they have seen in their lives. At Mister International however, there were a lot of guys whom I think have better bodies than me, so it was fun to win the Best Body award anyway. On the other hand, Mister Photogenic was felt so amazing to win. It showed me that I have a big chance to succeed with my modeling carrier. I has given me more confidence.
13 Now that the Mister International 2011 competition is over, what is your plan for your future?
I will finish my education first. It’s so important. And during the time I study, I’ll try to do modeling at the same time because I love it.
14 Last but not least what is your message to all your fans and supporters?
"To always stay humble and always be ambitious with everything."

Special thanks to Marco Djelevic Virriat himself and his national director Miss Lisa Lents of Miss & Mister of Denmark Organization who have given us an opportunity for this interview.
To learn more about Marco Djelevic Virriat check his official profile page here :
Photo Source
Belleza Venezolana
Thai Catwalk
Photo Angel
To learn more about Marco Djelevic Virriat check his official profile page here :
Photo Source
Belleza Venezolana
Thai Catwalk
Photo Angel