Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mister International 2011 Final Leaderboard Part 1

In our tradition, the penultimate day in a pageant is the time when we will reveal our Final Leaderboard. But before we reveal the Final Leaderboard for Mister International 2011, which final will take place tomorrow, we would like to bring you to see "behind-the-scene" of making the Final Leaderboard in this part.

As in other Leaderboards, the first stage in making this Leaderboard is to invite some of our members to serve as the judges. These members are chosen based on their reputable knowledge and expertise in the respective pageant. They would then asked to submit their Top 15 choice and rank them from 1 to 15. The contestant who places first in a judge's list will be assigned 15 points, second place 14 points, third place 13 points, and so on until 1 point given to the 15th placer. The points from all judges will then tabulated and presented as the basic or the overall score for the Leaderboard. The reason it is called as overall score is that because the judging for this part is based on the overall impression of each contestant by our judges.

For Mister International 2011 Final Leaderboard, we have 7 members serving as judges. Therefore the maximum points that a contestant can get is 105 (if he placed first in all judges list) while the minimum point is of course zero (if none of the judges put him in their list). After tabulating the points from these 7 judges, here is the initial rank of our Final Leaderboard based on their overall score.

The first set of score based on the overall impression of each contestant

In this initial rank, only 25 out of 33 contestants who receive at least 1 point from our judges. The other 8 are left out with zero point and therefore eliminated from the list. Also based on the overall impression, Brazil leads the rank with 97 points, followed closely by Slovenia and Sweden. Also in the Top 15 rank of the list are other favorites such as Czech Republic, Mexico, Philippines, and Spain. The last spot on the Top 15 rank belongs to Portugal with 15 points.

Normally once we have this rank, we will immediately publish it as the Leaderboard. But starting from Mister International 2011 we will change the format. Inspired by the scoreboard system of Miss World 2011, we will know consider specific qualities of the contestants as part of the judging. As such, earlier this week we have presented our Top 10 list for Best Body, Best Model, and Best Face category, and now these lists will be also translated as points for the Leaderboard. For each category, the points will be given as the following :

1st place - 15 points
2nd place - 12 points
3rd place - 10 points
4th place - 8 points
5th place - 6 points
6th place - 5 points
7th place - 4 points
8th place - 3 points
9th place - 2 points
10th place - 1 point

For the first category Best Face, we are looking for the contestants with exceptionally gorgeous and stunning face. The winner for this category is Slovenia with Slovak Republic in second and Norway in third. As soon as the points for this category added to the Leaderboard, the rank changes as the following :

The second set of score after Best Face score added to the Leaderboard

Having won the maximum points for considered as the most handsome face in the batch, Slovenia now takes the leads. Slovak Republic is now in the Top 5 (5th place) while Mexico is down to Top 10 (6th place). Norway breaks his 11th place tie with Indonesia and is now up in the 9th place.

Now into the second category Best Model. This category is focusing on how impressive and charismatic a contestant while performing on the runway. The winner for this category is Sweden with Slovenia in second and Brazil in third. Now we have three sets of score in to the Leaderboard, and the rank changes as the following :

The third set of score after Best Model score added to the Leaderboard

While Slovenia remains as the leader of the rank, top model Sweden now overtakes Brazil to claim the runner up position. Norway and Denmark, both ranks high for this category, moves up one placement each to 8th and 9th place respectively while Philippines is down from 8th place to 10th place.

There is still one more category to consider, Best Body. As its name suggests, having an athletic, toned, and rippled body is a must to score in this category. The winner for this category is Brazil with Sweden in second and Spain in third. Will this last set of score make a significant change? Will there be newcomers in our Top 15 list? Will Slovenia remain on the top? We will reveal all of these in the next part of our Final Leaderboard. Stay tuned!

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