Thursday, October 10, 2013

Interview with Mister International Slovak Repubic 2013 Michal Gajdosech

Our interview with Michal Gajdosech, Slovakian representative at the upcoming Mister International 2013  in Indonesia. Check out the full interview after the jump!


•  Full Name : Michal Gajdosech
•  Birth Date : 23th November 1989
•  Age :23
•  Height : 187 cm
•  Hometown : Štúrovo, Slovakia
•  Fave Movie :  Matrix
•  Fave Actor/Actress : Natalie Portman
•  Fave Quote : 'Nehanebne neviniatko' - Dominik Dan (literally means "blatantly innocent")

1. Please tell us about yourself, your everyday life, and the city where you live! 
Hello everybody, what kind of person am I? Hard question. I’d say that I am honest. This characteristic helps me to face problems a lot quicker, altough not everybody likes it. A lot people would rather listen to lies, than to face the TRUTH. When I start with something, I do it at 150% and I want to achieve all the goals which I have set. I love to be lazy and relax for a while. Travelling and sports are part of myself. When I look out from my window I can see Esztergom Basilica, which is third biggest cathedral in Europe. Small city but during the summer the number of people are doubled twice, thanks to our thermal pool complex being the biggest in Slovakia.

2. What hobby or activities you usually do in your spare time? 
I usually spend my times with my friends or enjoying some sport activities such as ice hockey, tennis, or kite boarding.

3. What is the biggest dream or ambition in your life? 
In general, everybody wants to be healthy, rich, and have perfect family. I am not that picky but it would be nice to have it all.

4. Who or what is the biggest inspiration in your life? 
My parents! I am sure of this for 100%. They gave me everything I need to know and I never want to lose them. Never!

5. If you have to choose only one, which part of your body that you love the most? 
It would be my abs :) I know I don't have a totally symmetric abs, but most of people like my abs in general :)

6. Do you believe in miracle? Why or why not? 
I believe in destiny, I know there is some path we are supposed to be on, but also that we can manage which directions you will go.

7. What makes you interested to join the Mister International 2013 competition? 
As I mentioned above, when I start with something I want to do it with all I’ve got. This will be the one and only chance to prove it. It will open a lot of doors and opportunities in my life.

8. In your own opinion, what qualities should a Mister International winner possess? 
He should be open minded, communicative, not judging people simply based on first impression, and of course good looking, in a good shape, and capable to strike a pose in front of the camera.

9. What do you look forward the most from Indonesia as the host of Mister International 2013? 
I am looking forward to meet all the people there! Lot of people from Indonesia have added on my social sites and write nice comments to me, so this is a big support I couldn't even imagine. And as in my country it will be winter and we have no sea, I look forward to the good weather and beaches :) I cannot wait anymore to go there.

10. With only less than a month to go, what is your preparation for the upcoming Mister International 2013 competition?
Training in the gym everyday, plus playing ice hockey twice a week. Trying to fulfill my meals just with proteins and nothing too fatty. I am going to do my best to be in the shape, I have never been at.

11. Some people say that pageant is superficial. What would you say to those people to prove that they are wrong and that there is also an important substance in pageant? 
Why would it be superficial? Everybody has a right to say what he or she thinks. Pageant is not scared to say it :)

12. Last but not least, what is your message for all your fans in Indonesia? 
As I mentioned above, I initially didn't expect to receive big support from their side, but they did give it anyway and I apperciate it a lot :)

Special thanks to Michal for the amazing interview. We love it so much! Good luck and see you in Indonesia!

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