Friday, August 16, 2013

Interview with Miss World Australia 2013 Erin Victoria Holland

Our interview with the beautiful and talented Erin Victoria Holland, Australia's national winner for the upcoming Miss World 2013 to be held in Indonesia. Check out the full interview after the jump!


•  Full name : Erin Victoria Holland
•  Birth date : 21st March
•  Age : 24
•  Height : 177 cm
•  Hometown : Cairns, Australia
•  Fave Movie : I couldn't possibly pick just one favourite! My friends will tell you that I love anything Disney
•  Fave Song : I'm a huge fan of musical theatre - it's what I always anted to do when I grew up! Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, Cabaret... The list is endless!
•  Fave Actor/Actress : Hugh Jackman is an absolute inspiration to me. His versatility as a performer has seen him conquer film, television and stage. Plus he's a fellow Aussie!!!
•  Fave Musician : Josh Groban is one of my favourite artists - I love the fact that he has managed to bring classical music into prominence within mainstream music. He has such a beautiful voice!
•  Fave Book : My Harry Potter books have to be the most worn out copies in the world! I have always been a huge fa of fantasy novels - escaping for an hour into another world is a true indulgence.
•  Fave Quote : 'You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, the world is unfolding as it should.' Desiderata - by Max Ehrmann

1. Please tell us about yourself, your everyday life, and the city where you live! 
I grew up in sunny Cairns, renowned for the beautiful Great Barrier Reef! I spent my childhood at the beach, enjoying the beautiful tropical rainforest and spending time with my friends and family. When I was 17, I moved to Sydney to pursue a career in the performing arts. Sydney is of course home to the iconic Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge. Although very different to the quiet town I will always call home, I love the excitement and opportunity the big city brings.

2. What hobby or activities you usually do in your spare time?
I am lucky enough to have made a career out of my hobbies! I am a full time performer (singer/dancer/presenter) and model. This doesn't leave time for much else, but I absolutely love watching live sport when I get the chance! Soccer, Tennis and Football are my absolute favourites.

3. What is the biggest dream or ambition in your life? 
I have always dreamed of being a leading on Broadway. To bring joy and entertainment to others has always been my goal. I live for the thrill of performing to an audience.

4. Who or what is the biggest inspiration in your life? 
It depends on the situation.. My career idol is different to my Miss World idol, who is different to my personal idol. All are equally important inspirations for different aspects if my life.

5. What is your signature style in fashion? Can you describe it for us? 
Very relaxed and casual! I spend a lot of my time dressing up for work, so when I get the chance to relax, I love to wear something comfortable (yet still stylish of course!!)

6. What makes you interested to join the national pageant for Miss World in your country? 
I've always been attracted to the glamorous, yet philanthropic women that have worn the Miss World crown. Having joined the competition has only made me realise how much more there is to the competition than meets the eye; the women who hold this title are kind, genuine, charitable, talented, approachable and generous. It would be beyond an honour to be considered worthy of this crown.

7. When you first joined the pageant have you had feeling that you would eventually win the whole thing? 
I have no idea how I will go in the competition this year!! I am however definitely in it to win it, and you can be assured I will be 100% committed and focused on representing Australia to the best of my ability.

8. In your opinion, what makes Miss World pageant different from the other pageants? 
Miss World is a multi-faceted competition - you must excel at all elements to win. They are looking for a well rounded woman who can represent the organisation and the cause that it supports - Beauty with a Purpose.

9. What do you look forward the most from Indonesia as the host of Miss World 2013? 
I am incredibly excited to be visiting your beautiful country! I have heard for many years from friends how picturesque your land is, how friendly your people are and how tasty the food is!! To finally have the opportunity to visit for myself is a dream come true... September cannot come quickly enough!!

10. With only less than a month to go, what is your preparation for the upcoming Miss World 2013 competition? 
I have been doing a lot of research of the previous competitions, working on my health and fitness, practicing my public speaking and of course plenty of singing for the talent section!

11. From all the Fast Tracks / Challenge Events in Miss World 2013, which one do you think you will excel the most and why? 
Talent for sure. I started singing when I was very young and have a degree from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music in Classical voice - I am hoping this will help me!!!

12. From all 62 past Miss World winners, which one is your favorite winner and why?
Aishwarya Rai is an obvious stand out - for me personally, it is because she has had my ideal career - she has conquered every element of the entertainment industry, and used the title to create a huge impact with many chArities around the world. She is a humanitarian and an ambassador for many worthy causes I feel very passionately about. I dream to one day make a difference in the world like she has.

13. In your opinion, which one is more important for development of a country, natural resources or human resources, and why? 
Both are equally important in their respective ways for the development of a country. We cannot abuse our natural resources or they will cease to exist, but we also cannot neglect the need for human resources to help sustain the population and protect the environment!

14. Last but not least, what is your message for all your fans in Indonesia? 
Thank you SO so much for all the wonderful support! I cannot wait to see the beautiful country you call home, and make many friends and memories that will last me a lifetime!! Xxx

Special thanks to Erin for the amazing interview. We love it so much! Good luck and see you in Indonesia!

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