Monday, August 26, 2013

Interview with Miss World Guyana 2013 Ruqayyah Boyer

Our interview with the stunning black beauty who has captured our heart since Miss Universe 2012, Ruqayyah Boyer, now to represent Guyana at the upcoming Miss World 2013 to be held in Indonesia. Check out the full interview after the jump!


•  Full name : Ruqqayah Boyer
•  Birth date : 28th April
•  Age : 23
•  Height : 175 cm
•  Hometown : Linden, Guyana
•  Fave Movie :  La vita e' Bella (Life is Beautiful). It is an old Italian film where a father made the ultimate sacrifice for his son, I am in tears every time I look at the film.
•  Fave Song :  That's a tough choice for me because I love music in it's entirety at this point however i will say "Could You Be Loved" by Bob Marley
•  Fave Actor/Actress : Leonardo do Caprio and Johnny Depp
•  Fave Musician : To name a few Bob Marley, Nina Simone, Whitney Houston, Alicia Keys, Lauryn Hill, Celine Deon and all the classics :)
•  Fave Book : The Secret
•  Fave Quote : 'Love the life you live, live the life you love.'

1. Please tell us about yourself, your everyday life, and the city where you live! 
Originally I grew up in Linden, the second largest town in Guyana after Georgetown and the capitol of the Upper Demerara Berbice Region. For the purpose of work and University Studies I now reside in Georgetown but my home town of Linden will forever be home “the ultimate place of tranquility”. The town of Linden displays a rich culture and heritage with its museum, rockstone also known for the annual Rockstone Fish Festival, Christianburg Water Wheel and what Linden is known best for it “Bauxite”. I am someone who believes in the laws of attraction which simply says, “You attract into your life whatever you think about”. Having a dream does not only mean dreaming it, but one has to perceive that dream using all of our senses. Creating a vision board of that dream, believing it can happen and seeing achievement is attainable just at your hand reach….not forgetting to immerse hard work, faith and patience into the process :) I also believe in the social support of family, the foundation that helps in creating the avenues for these dreams. Stemming from a multi cultural back ground I was fortunate to learn from a tender age what it means to be embracing of differences and other cultural norms and customs and I am very thankful to my parents for making me grounded appreciating life and the value of time.
Professionally I work as a journalist; however I am in my third year pursuing a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy at the Guyana University. It is my hope to do more advocacy work within the United Nations framework as an Ambassador for my country.
My everyday life outside of work, my studies, my charity works and the stage where I perform for shows from time to time, is utilized spending time with my family and close friends. Love is defined as the most important value in any relationship but it is “time” which is important as it is not the quantity of time but the quality of time spent with those closest to us. Therefore, I make all efforts in the quality of time with the foundation I was thought making time memorable with those around me.

2. What hobby or activities you usually do in your spare time?
I enjoy several activities, apart from working on my Hope Phoenix foundation, CADVA ( Caribbean American Domestic Violence Awareness group) and my role as the public relations officer of the Caribbean youth environment network - Guyana, i enjoy horseback riding, sports, reading, the performing arts ( music, poetry, dance, Broadway), most recently I've taken a liking to golf.

3. What is the biggest dream or ambition in your life? 
:) Other than being the next Miss World? :) :) :) I would say working with the United Nations framework as an Ambassador for change, advocating for issues that need to be addressed in my country and the world at large. I do have secret fancies of becoming an actress or a singer as well :) But we will all see how that goes.

4. Who or what is the biggest inspiration in your life? 
My greatest inspiration in life is LIFE it self! Everything about the world we live in lends itself as a beacon of hope to me when I am in my moments of despair. The sound of a baby oows and awes, an old couple holding hands in the park, a group of children sitting in a classroom playing chess, the sounds of piano chords or even a raindrop silently hitting against the window could create that inspiration one looks for. I believe inspiration can come from the strangest of things and in a nut shell it’s all about your perception.

5. What is your signature style in fashion? Can you describe it for us? 
I love to dress up in long flowing dresses with hats and then other times I'd go for a more modern look with a touch of eccentricity creating my own identity with an original flare.

6. What makes you interested to join the national pageant for Miss World in your country? 
Miss World embodies just about everything that I would love to represent. The beauty with a purpose cause which raises funds for millions of disadvantaged children and persons around the world to grant assistance in some way is a mission I have been for advocating for in my own small way in Guyana, it is the most fulfilling thing for me to make a lasting contribution for my country men and women and the Miss World pageant is granting me the opportunity to build on a global network and expand the reach of my cause to others that may need my help worldwide.

7. When you first joined the pageant have you had feeling that you would eventually win the whole thing? 
Everyone joins a contest with the hope of winning. The thing is I look at any contest in abstract. I believe at the end of the day each person takes away something that can benefit and improve their lives and that in itself makes us all winners. I am honored that I have been granted this opportunity.

8. In your opinion, what makes Miss World pageant different from the other pageants? 
Miss World is a contest with a vision that encompasses a cause which transcends boundaries or any personal glory. It encourages the growth of women in all forums be it fitness, talent, runway skills or interviews. It is the pageant that prepares every young woman for the real world and at the end of the day even if she does not win she walks away with a wealth of knowledge rich in cultural experiences with the many other women she will encounter.

9. What do you look forward the most from Indonesia as the host of Miss World 2013? 
I plan to embrace the entire journey with open arms and allow the world to see the woman that I am within-a woman of substance. I am excited about being a part of a new culture, new cuisine, new architecture and of course meeting with other sisters from around the world. Nothing beats sharing space with a melting pot of cultures. It's like you'll be going on a world tour in the space of one month, so I'm super excited.

10. With only less than a month to go, what is your preparation for the upcoming Miss World 2013 competition? 
As you already mentioned it was a very short period of time to get prepared for the Miss World 2013. I am doing all the preparations especially when it comes to my physical appearance. I also need to get prepared psychologically since I know that it is going to be a big challenge for me.

11. From all the Fast Tracks / Challenge Events in Miss World 2013, which one do you think you will excel the most and why? 
I hope I am able to excel in all especially the beauty with a purpose which I worked really hard on because that's the segment I want to make a lasting impression on apart from this I'm very excited about talent and top model.

12. From all 62 past Miss World winners, which one is your favorite winner and why?
I must confess that I am not up to date with all of the past winners of 62 years however over the past decade of queens I believe each of them made a tremendous contribution to the Miss World organization and as such my admiration lies with that legacy of queen ship.

13. In your opinion, which one is more important for development of a country, natural resources or human resources, and why? 
I believe both are equally important but unfortunately due to Climate Change humanity has begun to “exhaust the earth’s natural resources”. August 20th was noted as “Earth Overshoot Day-the day when use of the planet’s resources outstrips supply”. According to Global Footprint Network, “our planet cannot regenerate its resources at the speed at which humanity is using them”. Therefore, this is causing Climate Change where researcher Johan Rockstrom stated, “Humanity has already severely overstepped the planet’s natural boundaries” and “To continue to live and operate safely, humanity has to stay away from critical hard wired thresholds in the earth’s environment, and respect the nature of the planet’s climatic, geophysical, atmospheric and ecological processes”. Rockstrom is correct but humanity will argue this because of their greed to produce man made resources. It's like an Eco system, one thing needs the other to thrive, and they need the influence of each other.

14. Last but not least, what is your message for all your fans in Indonesia? 
Saya suka orang-orang Indonesia, saya belum melihat mereka belum dan saya sudah merasa disambut dan sangat banyak di rumah. saya menganggap mereka keluarga saya dan tidak bisa menunggu untuk melihat mereka. kata-kata tidak bisa mengungkapkan betapa saya telah jatuh cinta dengan negara ini dan rakyatnya. satu cinta dari lubuk hati saya dan terima kasih atas dukungan abadi Anda !!!

Special thanks to Ruqayyah for the amazing interview. We love it so much! Good luck and see you in Indonesia!

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Friday, August 23, 2013

Interview with Miss World Kosovo 2013 Antigona Sejdiu

Our interview with the first ever Kosovo representative at the oldest Grand Slam pageant of the world, Antigona Sejdiu, who will compete at the upcoming Miss World 2013 to be held in Indonesia. Check out the full interview after the jump!


•  Full name : Antigona Sejdiu
•  Birth date : 6th November
•  Age : 19
•  Height : 176 cm
•  Hometown : Prishtina, Kosovo
•  Fave Movie :  Limitless
•  Fave Song :  I like music a lot but is so hard for me to mention a song as my favorite one because they are a lot
•  Fave Actor/Actress : Roberto de Niro and Halle Berry
•  Fave Musician : Beyonce
•  Fave Book : Dear John
•  Fave Quote : 'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but it is about learning how to dance in the rain.'

1. Please tell us about yourself, your everyday life, and the city where you live! 
I am a 19 year old girl from Kosovo, and have been chosen to represent my country in the Miss World 2013 in Indonesia. I am a very positive person and take life as a beautiful gift we have, and I love to live it to the fullest. My day starts early in the morning when I go to the gym, then I go to school and the rest of the day I spend with my family, study, go out with friends or even do any of my hobbies. I live in Prishtina which is the capital city of Kosovo. It is a small city but very beautiful one.

2. What hobby or activities you usually do in your spare time?
I usually like to read, swim, travel or social networking.

3. What is the biggest dream or ambition in your life? 
My biggest dream is to be very successful in my business career, of course in modeling as well and why not this success to be crowned with the Miss World 2013.

4. Who or what is the biggest inspiration in your life? 
My biggest inspiration in life is my family, because all I am is because of them and I don’t want to disappoint them in any of my actions. I am very thankful for everything they have done to me, because they have always helped me in everything I decided to do.

5. What is your signature style in fashion? Can you describe it for us? 
My style is simple but elegant, I see these two words as the best ones for describing my style in fashion.

6. What makes you interested to join the national pageant for Miss World in your country? 
I like modeling and I saw this as an opportunity to enter in the world of modeling outside of Kosovo as well.

7. When you first joined the pageant have you had feeling that you would eventually win the whole thing? 
Of course it was my point, but since the girls were very beautiful I did not expect it.

8. In your opinion, what makes Miss World pageant different from the other pageants? 
Miss World includes more activities than the other ones, it is the oldest competition and it contains the highest number of countries.

9. What do you look forward the most from Indonesia as the host of Miss World 2013? 
I have heard that it is a very beautiful country, even though I have never been there, and I believe this is going to be the best experience I have ever had until now in my life.

10. With only less than a month to go, what is your preparation for the upcoming Miss World 2013 competition? 
As you already mentioned it was a very short period of time to get prepared for the Miss World 2013. I am doing all the preparations especially when it comes to my physical appearance. I also need to get prepared psychologically since I know that it is going to be a big challenge for me.

11. From all the Fast Tracks / Challenge Events in Miss World 2013, which one do you think you will excel the most and why? 
I think I will excel the most in Top Model, because I see myself here better than in other ones.

12. From all 62 past Miss World winners, which one is your favorite winner and why?
Aishwarya Rai is my favorite winner, because she is not only beautiful, but she is very smart and one of my favorite actress, by the way I like Bollywood movies.

13. In your opinion, which one is more important for development of a country, natural resources or human resources, and why? 
In my opinion human resources is more important, because if people have natural resources but don’t know how to use them, they are not worth any more. Most importantly they need to know how to protect the natural resources.

14. Last but not least, what is your message for all your fans in Indonesia? 
I would like to thank all the fans that have given me so much support while I have been getting ready for the Miss World. I hope I will not disappoint them but give them the best from me, especially Inodnesian fans that actually are a lot, since they find the time to write and say hi to me. Thank you so much. It was a pleasure to answer your questions… All the bests.

Special thanks to Antigona for the amazing interview. We love it so much! Good luck and see you in Indonesia!

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Miss World Philippines 2013 Hot Faves

Our hot faves for Miss World Philippines 2013. The third edition of the pageant will be held tomorrow night with the winner goes to represent Philippines at Miss World 2013 which wil be held in Indonesia next month.

Top 5
(in ranking order)

First Place
#20 Megan Lynne Young

Second Place
#10 Janicel Lubina

Third Place
#19 Bianca Paz

Fourth Place
#22 Patricia Lae Ejercitado

Fifth Place
#24 Zandra Flores

Just like most pagenat fans around the world, we wish and pray for Megan Young's victory. In any other year, we can accept the likes of Janicel Lubina or Bianca Paz as a winner but Megan Young is just on another level from her competitors. This breathtaking beauty has to win! So will the result will be the one anticipated by most fans arounf the world? Just wait and see ....

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Friday, August 16, 2013

Interview with Miss World Australia 2013 Erin Victoria Holland

Our interview with the beautiful and talented Erin Victoria Holland, Australia's national winner for the upcoming Miss World 2013 to be held in Indonesia. Check out the full interview after the jump!


•  Full name : Erin Victoria Holland
•  Birth date : 21st March
•  Age : 24
•  Height : 177 cm
•  Hometown : Cairns, Australia
•  Fave Movie : I couldn't possibly pick just one favourite! My friends will tell you that I love anything Disney
•  Fave Song : I'm a huge fan of musical theatre - it's what I always anted to do when I grew up! Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, Cabaret... The list is endless!
•  Fave Actor/Actress : Hugh Jackman is an absolute inspiration to me. His versatility as a performer has seen him conquer film, television and stage. Plus he's a fellow Aussie!!!
•  Fave Musician : Josh Groban is one of my favourite artists - I love the fact that he has managed to bring classical music into prominence within mainstream music. He has such a beautiful voice!
•  Fave Book : My Harry Potter books have to be the most worn out copies in the world! I have always been a huge fa of fantasy novels - escaping for an hour into another world is a true indulgence.
•  Fave Quote : 'You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, the world is unfolding as it should.' Desiderata - by Max Ehrmann

1. Please tell us about yourself, your everyday life, and the city where you live! 
I grew up in sunny Cairns, renowned for the beautiful Great Barrier Reef! I spent my childhood at the beach, enjoying the beautiful tropical rainforest and spending time with my friends and family. When I was 17, I moved to Sydney to pursue a career in the performing arts. Sydney is of course home to the iconic Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge. Although very different to the quiet town I will always call home, I love the excitement and opportunity the big city brings.

2. What hobby or activities you usually do in your spare time?
I am lucky enough to have made a career out of my hobbies! I am a full time performer (singer/dancer/presenter) and model. This doesn't leave time for much else, but I absolutely love watching live sport when I get the chance! Soccer, Tennis and Football are my absolute favourites.

3. What is the biggest dream or ambition in your life? 
I have always dreamed of being a leading on Broadway. To bring joy and entertainment to others has always been my goal. I live for the thrill of performing to an audience.

4. Who or what is the biggest inspiration in your life? 
It depends on the situation.. My career idol is different to my Miss World idol, who is different to my personal idol. All are equally important inspirations for different aspects if my life.

5. What is your signature style in fashion? Can you describe it for us? 
Very relaxed and casual! I spend a lot of my time dressing up for work, so when I get the chance to relax, I love to wear something comfortable (yet still stylish of course!!)

6. What makes you interested to join the national pageant for Miss World in your country? 
I've always been attracted to the glamorous, yet philanthropic women that have worn the Miss World crown. Having joined the competition has only made me realise how much more there is to the competition than meets the eye; the women who hold this title are kind, genuine, charitable, talented, approachable and generous. It would be beyond an honour to be considered worthy of this crown.

7. When you first joined the pageant have you had feeling that you would eventually win the whole thing? 
I have no idea how I will go in the competition this year!! I am however definitely in it to win it, and you can be assured I will be 100% committed and focused on representing Australia to the best of my ability.

8. In your opinion, what makes Miss World pageant different from the other pageants? 
Miss World is a multi-faceted competition - you must excel at all elements to win. They are looking for a well rounded woman who can represent the organisation and the cause that it supports - Beauty with a Purpose.

9. What do you look forward the most from Indonesia as the host of Miss World 2013? 
I am incredibly excited to be visiting your beautiful country! I have heard for many years from friends how picturesque your land is, how friendly your people are and how tasty the food is!! To finally have the opportunity to visit for myself is a dream come true... September cannot come quickly enough!!

10. With only less than a month to go, what is your preparation for the upcoming Miss World 2013 competition? 
I have been doing a lot of research of the previous competitions, working on my health and fitness, practicing my public speaking and of course plenty of singing for the talent section!

11. From all the Fast Tracks / Challenge Events in Miss World 2013, which one do you think you will excel the most and why? 
Talent for sure. I started singing when I was very young and have a degree from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music in Classical voice - I am hoping this will help me!!!

12. From all 62 past Miss World winners, which one is your favorite winner and why?
Aishwarya Rai is an obvious stand out - for me personally, it is because she has had my ideal career - she has conquered every element of the entertainment industry, and used the title to create a huge impact with many chArities around the world. She is a humanitarian and an ambassador for many worthy causes I feel very passionately about. I dream to one day make a difference in the world like she has.

13. In your opinion, which one is more important for development of a country, natural resources or human resources, and why? 
Both are equally important in their respective ways for the development of a country. We cannot abuse our natural resources or they will cease to exist, but we also cannot neglect the need for human resources to help sustain the population and protect the environment!

14. Last but not least, what is your message for all your fans in Indonesia? 
Thank you SO so much for all the wonderful support! I cannot wait to see the beautiful country you call home, and make many friends and memories that will last me a lifetime!! Xxx

Special thanks to Erin for the amazing interview. We love it so much! Good luck and see you in Indonesia!

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Miss Teen USA 2013 Result

The pageant was held on 10 August 2013 at Atlantis Paradise Island in Nassau, Bahamas with 51 participating contestants.

Miss Teen USA 2013 : CALIFORNIA - Cassidy Wolf

First Runner Up : SOUTH CAROLINA - Tori Sizemore

Second Runner Up : WEST VIRGINIA - Haley Holloway

Third Runner Up : GEORGIA - Julia Martin

Fourth Runner Up : MINNESOTA - Maggie McGill

ALABAMA - Lorin Holcombe
ARKANSAS - Abby Floyd
HAWAII - Samantha Neyland
KANSAS - Alyssa Klinzing
LOUISIANA - Bailey Hidalgo
MARYLAND - Hannah Brewer
MISSOURI - Brenda Smith Lezama ......... Fan Vote Choice
NEW JERSEY - Christina Thompson
NEW YORK - Nikki Orlando
TENNESSEE - Emily Suttle
WISCONSIN - Kathryn Redeker

Special Awards
• Miss Photogenic : OKLAHOMA - Graham Turner
• Miss Congeniality : NEBRASKA - Jasmine Fuelberth

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Miss World 2013 : What We Know So Far Part 2

With less than a month to go before the start of Miss World 2013 in Indonesia, here are 5 news, trivia, and gossips that we have gathered from around the newsphere about what can we expect for the upcoming pageant Grand Slam event!

#1 Sarong for The World
As we reported in our previous article before, the Beach Fashion segment will have the contestants parading in Balinese beach sarong instead of bikini. Now it has been annouced that the beach sarong will be provided by Astradeco, a Balinese based garment manufacturing company. Established in 1996, Astradeco has produced various unique and beautiful sarong designs, all with a flair touch of local Balinese culture, and will be in charge to create a specially designed beach sarong for Miss World 2013 called "Sarong for The World".

Samples of beautiful creation by Astradeco

#2 Opening Ceremony Venue
We can know reveal that Opening Ceremony will officially be held at the Mangupura Hall of the Bali International Convention Center (BICC) on 8 September 2013. The venue is located adjacent to the Westin Nusa Dua Hotel where the contestants will stay during their visit to Bali and can accomodate up to 2,500 people. The event.will also be telecasted live by RCTI.

Mangupura Hall of BICC

#3 Events in Jakarta
At least 3 more important events will be held in Jakarta aside from the Grand Final which are Gala Dinner, Charity Dinner, and Top Model competition. According to the gossips, both Gala Dinner and Charity Dinner will be held at Grand Hyatt Hotel while Top Model competition will be held at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on 20 September 2013.

Plenary Hall of JCC

#4 Events in Bali
Prior to their grand appearance on the Opening Ceremony, the contestants of Miss World 2013 will participate in a golf tournament held on 7 and 8 September 2013 in Bali. The Miss World Golf Tournament will be held at Bali Nirwana Golf Club, which is listed by Forbes as Asia's 10 Most Elite Golf Course.

Bali Nirwana Golf Club

#5 Gamelan Music
According to his Twitter account @harrydarsono haute couture designer and artist, Mr Harry Darsono, who also served as a judge for Miss Indonesia 2013 final, a segment featuring traditional dancers accomapnied by Javanese traditional music of Gamelan will be used for the opening of Miss World 2013. It is still unclear whether this refers to the Opening Ceremony or the opening segment of the Grand Final. Mr Harry Darsono himself is in charge to prepare the choreography and train the traditional dancers for this segment.

Mr Harry Darsono training the dancers for the opening segment of Miss Miss World 2013

Stay tuned for more info. news, and gossips regarding Miss World 2013 in Indonesia!

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