Saturday, December 15, 2012

And Miss Photogenic Universe 2012 is .... Kosovo

The first special award of Miss Universe 2012 has been announced yesterday. The Miss Photogenic award, annually given to the contestant who shines the most in front of the camera, is won by Miss Kosovo Diana Avdiu. The announcement was made during the Trump Holiday Party at Trump International Hotel, Las Vegas, with Miss Kosovo receiving her award from the reigning Miss Universe 2011 Leila Lopes.

 Miss Universe 2011 Leila Lopes and Miss Kosovo 2012 Diana Avdiu during the not-so-glamorous ceremonial award of Miss Photogenic award winner

It seems that the importance and virtue of special awards start to fade in Miss Universe. In the past years, the winner of Miss Photogenic award is usually announced glamorously on stage during the final or the preliminary. But this year it takes a huge step back with the winner is announced  in a very casual off-air event with little to almost zero coverage. Don't be surprised if next year the special awards are announced after the contestants return to their home countries and the trophies sent to their home via FedEx!

 Miss Photogenic 2012 Diana Avdiu poses for the camera

Check out Miss Kosovo official pics below and shout your own mind! Do you think she deserves to win the award?

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