Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Top 10 Best in Swimwear at Manhunt International 2012 (IP Choice)

A good looking man is not complete without a good and healthy body. And an easy way to see if a man has a good body is by judging how good he is in swimwear. Using a combination of how sculpted and defined a contestant body is and how much sex appeal does he ooze while having sexy time in swimwear, we have made our choice and select this 10 men as looking the best in swimwear at Manhunt International 2012. How about yourself ... do you agree with our choice?

 First Place
AUSTRALIA - Lee Stramkowski

Second Place

Third Place
SWEDEN - Peter Jonsson

Fourth Place
GREECE - Thomas Gabriel

Fifth Place
PHILIPPINES - June Macesaet

Sixth Place
USA - Andres Giraldo

Seventh Place
INDONESIA - Akbar Kurniawan

Eighth Place
SINGAPORE - Jason Chee

Ninth Place
MACAU - Martin Wang

Tenth Place
VENEZUELA - Jayco Estaba

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