Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mister World 2012 : Top 12 Sport Challenge Semifinalists

After 2 days of grueling physical strength and concentration tests, the best 12 sportsmen from this year batch of Mister World have been chosen. They will compete in the final round with 3 more sport events (swimming, sprinting, and penalty shoot-out) before the overall winner is announced. The lucky 12 are ...

Posing before the grueling challenges

Top 12 Sport Challenge Semifinalists
Puerto Rico

Brazil sit-ups

Italy straddle jumps

The preliminary for this event was held on two separate days. On the first day, held on last Tuesday, the contestants were tested of their strength, agility, and stamina, where only those with the fitness and willpower could battle to the end. They had to face four 90 second intense exercise routines, one after the other with no time to rest. They faced an initial round of press-ups with claps in between, then they had to perform burps (squat thrust to star jump). After this they had to take on the high steps with straddle jumps, and just when their bodies couldn't take anymore punishment, they had to do 90 seconds of grueling sit ups.

 Netherlands and Mexico

Push ups and more push ups

The second day, held on last Thursday, was a bit different. This time it was their hand-eye coordination and concentration as they took part in the golfing round. The challenge took place on the 10th hole of a PGA Championship level golf course, where the contestants had just one chance to hit their ball to land as close to the green as possible. With a par of 168 yards, the distance gave the contestants a sporting chance of achieving their aim. Before they began, they received a demonstration from the club pro, who gave them some hints and tips into playing their stroke, and showed them how it was done with a perfect chip onto the green.

 Ireland, Honduras, and Argentina

A very tired Spain

After the first two days of sports challenges, the scores were then added up and the leaderboard was calculated. The chosen 12 semifinalists would continue their tests with a time trial swimming race, a race against the clock and each other in a sprinting event, and finally a test of foot eye coordination in the football event..

 Get ready for golf event

Luxembourg swinging
 Ireland the winner of golf event

Who will make it as the Sport challenge champion this year? Stay tuned!

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