Saturday, January 7, 2012

Indonesian Delegate for International Queen of Coffee 2012

For the first time ever Indonesia will participate in International Queen of Coffee or more popularly known as Reinado Internacional del Café in Spanish. In this contest, Indonesia will be represented by Laskary Andaly Metal Biticaca (Mela), the winner of Putri Kopi Indonesia 2011 (Indonesian Princess of Coffee) from the province of South Sulawesi. She is also the only second contestant from Asia to participate in this pageant since its inception in 1957. The first Asian delegate came from Japan in 1993.

Mela was born in Soroako, South Sulawesi on 18 December 1986. She is 175 cm tall and has graduated from The School of Biological Science and Technology Bandung Institute of Technology) with a bachelor degree in microbiology and currently pursues her master degree at Petroleum and Mining Engineering Faculty Bandung Institute of Technology, as well as being a research assistant in Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery for Oil and Gas Recovery for Indonesia (OGRINDO).

Good luck for Mela and wish the best for you. Viva Mela! Viva Indonesia!

Check our more of her pictures after the jump!

For more information please visit the official website of Putri Kopi Indonesia

News Source : Kompas, Indopos, Putri Kopi Indonesia official website, and Dian Kenanga

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