Thursday, September 1, 2011

IP Best Glam Shoot Miss Universe 2011

Which contestant has the best performance in the official Glam Shoot photo for this year Miss Universe edition? Earlier this week, we have run a poll and asked our forum members to vote for their favorites, and after all the votes were tallied, the winner of Indonesian Pageants Best Glam Shoot for Miss Universe 2011 is ...

USA - Alyssa Campanella

First Runner Up
GREECE - Ilana Papageorgiou

Second Runner Up
KOSOVO - Aferdita Dreshaj

Top 6 Finalists

GEORGIA - Eka Gurtskaia

INDONESIA - Nadine Ames

RUSSIA - Natalia Gantimurova

Top 10 Semifinalists

ALBANIA - Xhesika Berberi

BRAZIL - Priscila Machado

COSTA RICA - Johanna Solano

HONDURAS - Keylin Gomez

Congratulations USA for being voted as the best girl in Glam Shoot photo of Miss Universe 2011 by members of our forum! Also congrats to the other girls who are among the Top 10 most voted candidates! Wish you all luck Ladies and stay tuned to find out which ones of the 89 delegates are among our top choice for the Second Leaderboard!

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