Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Miss Universe 2011 The Journey So Far Part 2

So what's up with the Miss Universe 2011 girls in Brazil? Here are a collage of pictures from their journey so far! Enjoy!

The Mayor of Sao Paulo
Friday, 26 August 2011 is a busy day for the girls. That day they had to attend 3 important events, starting with a visit to the Mayor of host city Sao Paulo, Gilberto Kassab. The Mayor of "Sampa" city personally welcomed the 89 candidates to his city for the next 3 weeks of competition

Major major beauties! The 89 delegates of Miss Universe 2011 and the Mayor of Sau Paulo

The Mayor of "Sampa" city personally welcomed the delegates

Home turf Miss Brazil among the other delegates

Yeah listen carefully Girls! It's the Mayor speaking here!

Choir Rehearsal at Sala Sao Paulo
Later the delegates were also taken to a rehearsal of the lyric choir which took place at the Sala Sao Paulo located in the Julio Prestes Cultural Center, in the north central section of the city. Another chance to learn the art and culture of Brazilian people!

Inside the Sala, the girls are ready to listen to some music

Misses Colombia, Argentina, and El Salvador taking pictures together before entering the Sala

Why so serious, Miss Japan?

Mesmerized by the astounding voice of the choir

Rosas de Ouro Samba School
The cultural journey did not stop there! From choir to Samba dance! This time, they visited the Rosas de Ouro Samba School, where they witnessed performances by local dancers and musicians. They were also learning the art of ‘sambar’, along with reigning Miss Universe Ximena Navarrete.

Girls gone Samba!

Miss Slovenia blossoming among the colorful array of the dancers costume

Miss China sitting pretty among her fellow candidates

Misses Japan, Indonesia, and India feeling the Samba vibe

Stay tuned to follow the continuity of the girls journey in Brazil!

Photo Source : Global Beauties

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