Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Miss USA 2011 Part 3 : The Second Leaderboard

After a week of competition, we have a new list of faves for Miss USA 2011. In this second Leaderboard, some girls are moving up while some others are moving down. Frontrunners California still leads the pack but others have changed their position on the grid as in the following list ...

The Leaderboard
1 California
2 South Carolina
3 Maryland
4 Connecticut
5 Indiana
6 Arizona
7 Georgia
8 Florida
9 Texas
10 Hawaii
11 Massachusetts
12 Utah
13 Michigan
14 Illinois
15 Tennessee

With preliminary looming in the horizon, expect a major change in the third and final Leaderboard. Will California stay on the top? Or will somone else replace her? Stay tuned!

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