Monday, November 11, 2013

Interview with Mister International Slovenia 2013 Jure Rugani

Our interview with Jure Rugani, Slovenian representative at the upcoming Mister International 2013  in Indonesia. Check out the full interview after the jump!


• Full Name : Jure Rugani
Birth Date : 25th January 1990
Age : 23
Height : 187 cm
Hometown : Ljublajna, Slovenia
Fave Movie : Top Gun
Fave Actor/Actress : Leonardo Di Caprio / Sandra Bullock
Fave Book : The Winner Stands Alone by Paulo Coelho
Fave Quote : "If it's important to you you ll find a way, if not you'll find an excuse."

1. Please tell us about yourself, your everyday life, and the city where you live!
I am all smiles most of the time, sport is my daily companion and the city of Ljubljana is a hidden jewel, we just have a minor problem with the fog in winter moths =)

2. What hobby or activities you usually do in your spare time?
I do a lot of sports like running, fitness, boxing, surfing, basketball and if I have time, I go on a long walk with my dog or watch a new movie. I also like to cook.

3. What is the biggest dream or ambition in your life?
My biggest dream is to succeed as a model, travel the world, grow as a person and ultimately make enough money to start my own business.

4. Who or what is the biggest inspiration in your life?
The biggest inspiration in my life are people who do what they love and are passionate about it. I think this reflects to all aspects of one s life and you can feel it.

5. If you have to choose only one, which part of your body that you love the most?
Eyes - they are the mirror of your soul. =)

6. Do you believe in miracle? Why or why not?
I believe in karma, I believe there are so many things that humanity can not yet explain, but they are not miracles, they are LIFE.

7. What is your signature style in fashion? Can you describe it for us?
My signature style are bright colors, unless its a formal event, then I go for a classic look.

8. What makes you interested to join the Mister International 2013 competition?
Travelling to Indonesia and get to know the country and its inhabitants. All the activities that are ahead of us, where i hope to learn a lot and make some new friends amongst the other contestants.And it is a challenge to compete against other guys, it makes me push myself even harder, because the competition is fierce.

9. In your own opinion, what qualities should a Mister International winner possess?
Mister International should be good looking, have a healthy looking body, he should be very open and talkative, inspirational and respectful, responsible, happy.... he should be the type of person you want to meet.

10. What do you look forward the most from Indonesia as the host of Mister International 2013?
I am looking forward to everything that i will experience, I am sure it will be unforgettable.

11. What is your preparation for the upcoming Mister International 2013 competition?
I train a lot, i eat healthy and i also try to keep positive in my mind, even when things are not going as planned, mind is a big factor i think.

12. Some people say that pageant is superficial. What would you say to those people to prove that they are wrong and that there is also an important substance in pageant? 
In life you see and meet many beautiful people, but you not remember all. Mister it the kind of person you don't forget.

13. Last but not least, what is your message for all your fans in Indonesia? 
I did not know i have them =) I would like to say thank you and see you soon in (I heard) beautiful Indonesia. Can't wait to come there.

Special thanks to Jure and his national director Erik Ferfolja for the amazing interview. We love it so much! Good luck and see you in Indonesia!

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