Friday, August 23, 2013

Interview with Miss World Kosovo 2013 Antigona Sejdiu

Our interview with the first ever Kosovo representative at the oldest Grand Slam pageant of the world, Antigona Sejdiu, who will compete at the upcoming Miss World 2013 to be held in Indonesia. Check out the full interview after the jump!


•  Full name : Antigona Sejdiu
•  Birth date : 6th November
•  Age : 19
•  Height : 176 cm
•  Hometown : Prishtina, Kosovo
•  Fave Movie :  Limitless
•  Fave Song :  I like music a lot but is so hard for me to mention a song as my favorite one because they are a lot
•  Fave Actor/Actress : Roberto de Niro and Halle Berry
•  Fave Musician : Beyonce
•  Fave Book : Dear John
•  Fave Quote : 'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but it is about learning how to dance in the rain.'

1. Please tell us about yourself, your everyday life, and the city where you live! 
I am a 19 year old girl from Kosovo, and have been chosen to represent my country in the Miss World 2013 in Indonesia. I am a very positive person and take life as a beautiful gift we have, and I love to live it to the fullest. My day starts early in the morning when I go to the gym, then I go to school and the rest of the day I spend with my family, study, go out with friends or even do any of my hobbies. I live in Prishtina which is the capital city of Kosovo. It is a small city but very beautiful one.

2. What hobby or activities you usually do in your spare time?
I usually like to read, swim, travel or social networking.

3. What is the biggest dream or ambition in your life? 
My biggest dream is to be very successful in my business career, of course in modeling as well and why not this success to be crowned with the Miss World 2013.

4. Who or what is the biggest inspiration in your life? 
My biggest inspiration in life is my family, because all I am is because of them and I don’t want to disappoint them in any of my actions. I am very thankful for everything they have done to me, because they have always helped me in everything I decided to do.

5. What is your signature style in fashion? Can you describe it for us? 
My style is simple but elegant, I see these two words as the best ones for describing my style in fashion.

6. What makes you interested to join the national pageant for Miss World in your country? 
I like modeling and I saw this as an opportunity to enter in the world of modeling outside of Kosovo as well.

7. When you first joined the pageant have you had feeling that you would eventually win the whole thing? 
Of course it was my point, but since the girls were very beautiful I did not expect it.

8. In your opinion, what makes Miss World pageant different from the other pageants? 
Miss World includes more activities than the other ones, it is the oldest competition and it contains the highest number of countries.

9. What do you look forward the most from Indonesia as the host of Miss World 2013? 
I have heard that it is a very beautiful country, even though I have never been there, and I believe this is going to be the best experience I have ever had until now in my life.

10. With only less than a month to go, what is your preparation for the upcoming Miss World 2013 competition? 
As you already mentioned it was a very short period of time to get prepared for the Miss World 2013. I am doing all the preparations especially when it comes to my physical appearance. I also need to get prepared psychologically since I know that it is going to be a big challenge for me.

11. From all the Fast Tracks / Challenge Events in Miss World 2013, which one do you think you will excel the most and why? 
I think I will excel the most in Top Model, because I see myself here better than in other ones.

12. From all 62 past Miss World winners, which one is your favorite winner and why?
Aishwarya Rai is my favorite winner, because she is not only beautiful, but she is very smart and one of my favorite actress, by the way I like Bollywood movies.

13. In your opinion, which one is more important for development of a country, natural resources or human resources, and why? 
In my opinion human resources is more important, because if people have natural resources but don’t know how to use them, they are not worth any more. Most importantly they need to know how to protect the natural resources.

14. Last but not least, what is your message for all your fans in Indonesia? 
I would like to thank all the fans that have given me so much support while I have been getting ready for the Miss World. I hope I will not disappoint them but give them the best from me, especially Inodnesian fans that actually are a lot, since they find the time to write and say hi to me. Thank you so much. It was a pleasure to answer your questions… All the bests.

Special thanks to Antigona for the amazing interview. We love it so much! Good luck and see you in Indonesia!

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