Saturday, December 22, 2012

Interview with Second Runner Up Mister International 2012 Marko Sobot

Our interview with the handsome and sexy Marko Sobot, current titleholder of Mister Slovenia and the Second Runner Up of Mister International 2012 contest in Bangkok, Thailand.


Age : 26
Height : 189 cm
Personal Motto : : No feat is beyond my reach, I will write my own destiny!
Favorite Food : Cous cous
Favorite Color : Red
Favorite Song : "One Day" by Matisyahu
Favorite Movie : "Black Cat, White Cat"
Favorite Book :  Čefurji ravs (a Slovenian book written by Goran Vojnović)
Favorite Singer/Band : Superheavy
Favorite Actor/Actress : Will Smith/Halle Berry

1 Would you please tell us about yourself and your life? 
I'm down to Earth, respectful, open minded, and optimistic. I'm a student on the faculty of sports, currently on a pause due to an injury, so now I can concentrate on my modeling career.

2 Who or what is the biggest inspiration in your life? 
My biggest inspiration are the people I meet everyday who have the positive attitude and can inspire you to do better.

3 If you can describe yourself in 5 words, which 5 words would you choose, and why? 
Tall, I'm 189cm, so I'm quite tall.
Handsome, at least that what they say, but I believe that beauty is relative it depends who is looking. Confident, I am confident in myself and in the decisions I make.
Respectful, I always show respect to people who are respectful.
Optimistic, I'm always looking for a silver lining in everything.

4 What activities you usually love to do in your spare time? 
I spend time with my friends or go for a walk with my dog Chica. My modeling agency Mister Model Management is keeping me busy, so I cherish my spare time.

5 If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 
I would fix my injured shoulder, he he he.

6 What makes you interested in joining beauty pageants in the first time? 
I started modeling and I thought this would open a lot of doors to fashion industry and I'm glad doors are opening.

7 How did you prepare yourself before competing at Mister International 2012? 
I have a really good team behind me, Mister Slovenia Organization prepared me very good for this competition. I had a good picture what I can expect on this contest. For the physical preparation, I trained once or twice a day and stayed away from junk food, but this was the easy part… Eating properly and training is something I'm used to it.

8 Out of 37 other contestants, which one was your closest friend during the Mister International 2012 days? Did you two have any special memories together? 
I made friends all over the world in this contest, but I bonded the most with my roommate, mister Slovak Republic, I think the whole contest is a special and one of a kind memory.

9 Out of all the places you visited in Bangkok during the competition which one is the most memorable one for you?
I must say I enjoyed every temple we visited in Bangkok, but the one I remembered the most is Temple of Dawn or Wat Arun, just becouse we could climb the steep stairs and the view was amazing from the top.

10 What was the most exciting and the most frightening experience you had during the Mister International 2012 days? 
The most frightening must be the ride with tuk tuk, they don't follow any rules so it was quite scary at times, he he he. The most exciting must be the final show, just the whole experience, I really enjoyed it.

11 Did you expect yourself to go this far at the competition? 
To be honest I was aiming for the top, but all I expected from myself, is to give it my best and enjoy the whole experience.

 12 What is the best lesson you learn from your participation in Mister International 2012? 
If you don't want to stress yourself, you got to be patient.

13 In your own words, what quality does a Mister International should possess? 
He should be confident, respectful, friendly and charismatic.

14 Now that the Mister International 2012 competition is over, what is your plan for your future? 
My plans for the future are always the same, keep moving forward and enjoying the ride. But I want to go back and explore the Asian modeling market.

15 Last but not least what is your message to all your fans and supporters? 
Just be yourself and be the best you can be, work hard, train hard and don’t forget to enjoy the ride.

Special thanks to Marko Sobot and Mister Slovenia Organization for giving us the chance to do this interview!

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 Photos credit : Ana Gregoric and Paul Aroon

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