Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Interview with Manhunt International Philippines 2012 June Macasaet

Our interview with the handsome and hunky June Macasaet, current titleholder of Manhunt International Philippines and Philippine's delegate for the upcoming Manhunt International 2012 contest in Bangkok, Thailand.


Age : 28
Height : 6’1” (185 cm)
Personal Motto : Everything is possible if you believe in it.
Favorite Food : Palabok and Spaghetti
Favorite Color : Blue
Favorite Song : "Lead Me Lord" and "Because of You"
Favorite Movie : Too many to mention
Favorite Book :  The Secret, Bible
Favorite Singer/Band : Eminem
Favorite Actor/Actress : Brad Pitt and Adam Sandler

1 Would you please tell us more about yourself? 
My name is June Macasaet. I am 28 years old, 6’1" tall, and I come from Batangas City, Philippines.

2 What is the best memory from your childhood time? 
When I was a child I used to swim together with my Dad in a beach at my hometown Batangas City. My skin color was so tan or totally black that time ... ha ha ha.

3 If you have to describe yourself in 5 words, which 5 would you use and why? 
Funny, simple, humble, nice and kind. Because I am born that way and my parents has always raised me like this.

June while answering our questions

4 How would you describe a typical day in your life? 
I wake up early, go to gym, taking my breakfast, go to castings, and I always pray.

5 Who is the biggest inspiration in your life? 
My family, we are not rich but we are always together as one.

6 Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? 
I would be either a successful businessman or a famous celebrity in the Philippines. Let's hope for the best!

7 What makes you interested in joining a male pageant? 
The competition and the excitement.. It is totally exciting to be given a chance to represent your country at an international competition.

8 How do you feel about representing your country at Manhunt International 2012? 
I am excited and nervous at the same time. But of course I am very proud to represent the Philippines.

9 What is your family and friends reaction about you competing at Manhunt International 2012? 
They are completely shocked and surprised!

10 What is your preparation for Manhunt International 2012? 
I go to the gym regularly to keep myself fit, eating the right food, and preparing how to answer different questions.

11 Do you have any personal target for this upcoming competition? If yes, what is it? 
Like every other competitors, my target is obviously to win!

12 Why do you think you should win Manhunt International 2012? 
I think I am fit for the title. I have the looks, I have the brains. and I have the body. He he he.

13 If you indeed won Manhunt International 2012, to whom would you say “thank you” first? 
I would thank God first..

14 In your own words, what is the definition of an ideal man? 
An ideal man is someone who is not afraid to do anything as long as he knows what is right and what is wrong.

15 Last but not least, what is your message to all your supporters? 
Thank you very much for all of your support and please pray for me.

Special thanks to Manhunt International Philippines organization and June himself for giving us the chance to do this interview!

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