Saturday, May 19, 2012

Interview with Miss Texas USA 2012 Brittany Lynn Booker

By Dyra Agus Prasetyo

Our interview with Brittany Lynn Booker, beloved daughter of Glenn and Robin Booker, a statuesque blonde from Houston, and the reigning Miss Texas USA 2012. On 4 September 4 2011, she was chosen from the field of 123 outstanding contestants to be Miss Texas USA 2012. The stunning, 5’11”, green-eyed model will represent the Lone Star State in the most prestigious of national pageants, Miss USA. More than just a beauty queen, Brittany excelled academically and graduated from Bay Area Christian School ranking third in her class and was a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. She is currently a junior at University of Houston, majoring in Psychology/Human Development and Family Studies.

1. If you would like to describe yourself in one word, and what word would it be, and why? 
Loving. My goal is to show love to everyone I meet. I wish that every person no matter who they are or where they came from would feel loved. We are all the same. No matter the color of our skin, no matter how much money we have, and no matter our background, everyone deserves to be loved.

2. How many time have you participated in the state pageant? 
Only once :) This year was my first time to compete!

3 What are the aims / goals / your motivations so that you were trying hard to conquer your title and win a right to represent the state to Miss USA pageant ? 
I had many goals that I worked towards as I prepared for Miss Texas USA, but most importantly I worked toward finding out exactly who I am and what I stand for! I try to be the same person rain or shine. I don't put on an act or try to change myself, but work to better myself and become the best me that I can be! We are all unique and different in our own ways and the best thing we can do is embrace who we are and be confident in it.

4. Now, everybody knows that you are the queen of your state in the USA system, do you think that winning the state pageant is a gift or a responsibility? 
In my opinion it is definitely a little of both. It is a huge gift, and I am very blessed to have the opportunity to represent the state of Texas not only at the Miss USA pageant but everyday and in everything I do. I have had so many amazing opportunities and been able to do so many wonderful things with great charities and people that I would have never had the chance to do if not for winning Miss Texas USA. It is also a very big responsibility! With the title also comes the job of being Miss Texas USA, not only on appearances but in every aspect of life. As it has been said, "To whom much is given, much is required." State title holders are held to a very high standard and many things are expected of you if you get the chance to represent your state, but I definitely think that the gift and the responsibility are both wonderful blessings!

5. What is the biggest changing of yourself between before your were crowned and after the crowning? 
I have learned a lot about who I am as a person. I have learned to focus on what is really important in life and what matters most! Another thing I have learned is that family is one of the most precious gifts we have been given. They stand by you no matter what, support you when you need it, and pick you up when you are down. I have learned to cherish my family and spend every free moment I get with them reminding them how much they mean to me!

6. We know that the swimsuit round is apart of the MUO pageant, meanwhile there are some countries a woman isn't allowed wearing swimsuit in a public because they think that it can demean women . Do you think so? 
I do not think the swimsuit competition demeans women. As long as it is done in a tasteful manner and only with the utmost respect. The swimsuit competition shows a woman's determination and drive. It shows that they can set goals for themselves and are willing work hard to accomplish them.

7. You know, this year will be tough year for Miss USA pageant, so many beautiful contestants, do you get any pageant training from your state director? Would you like tell us a lil bit about your preparation to the Pageant? 
I do have wonderful sponsors that are helping me prepare for the Miss USA pageant! I am just working my hardest to excel at every level of the competition and preparing for anything.

8. Which one is more important, winning the Miss USA crown or making friendships with the other 50 contestants? 
I am definitely in it to win it! However, I am so excited about making friends with the other girls, and I think it is an important part of the whole Miss USA experience!

9. Why do you think that the Judges should choose you as the next Miss USA or even Miss Universe? 
I should be chosen as the next Miss USA and hopefully even Miss Universe, because I am ready for the job and the responsibility. I would use the title to touch every person that I could and make a difference in their lives. I am very passionate and put my heart into every task that I am given and strive to do my best at it! If I am blessed with the title of Miss USA I will take all of my responsibilities seriously and do my best to make a difference and represent my country well!

10. As Texas is a pageant powerhouse in USA pageant system, Do you feel the pressure to represent the state? 
There is no question that Texas has been a powerhouse for many years, and there is definitely some pressure that comes along with that. However, I am a competitive girl, and I love pressure. It just drives me to work harder and strive to become better every day.

Special thanks to the National Director of Miss Texas USA and Brittany herself for making this interview is possible. We wish Brittany the very best of luck at Miss USA 2012 :)

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