Thursday, March 15, 2012

Interview with Miss Tennessee USA 2012 Jessica Hibler

By Dyra Agus Prasetyo

Our interview with Jessica Hibler of Brentwood, the reigning Miss Tennesse USA. Jessica accepted her state crown from Ashley Durham of Memphis who was also the First Runner Up at the Miss USA 2011 pageant held last June in Las Vegas. Tennessee has won Miss USA pageant twice, in 2000 and 2007, and this year they are vying for their third crown. So do you think Jessica has what it takes to bring the national crown to her home state? Make up your mind after you read our interview with her here!

1. If you would like to describe your self in one word, and what word would it be, and why?

Focused. When I set my mind to do something I will not stop until it is finished and my goal has been reached.

2. How many times have you participated in the state pageant?
This was my third year to compete.

3. What are the aims / goals / your motivations so that you were trying hard to conquer your title and win a right to represent the state to Miss USA pageant?
I am very excited about all of the charity organizations that I have the chance to work with and learn more about. I also have the opportunity to become more involved with causes that are already close to my heart. I am very involved in my local humane shelter, I am working to raise awareness and find a cure for Multiple sclerosis which a disease that my father suffers from, and I am hosting a benefit for Same Sky.

4. Now that everybody knows that you are the queen of your state in the USA pageant system, do you think that winning the state pageant is a gift or a responsibility?
Both. I competed against several amazing women who would make wonderful Miss Tennessee, so I am very lucky that they chose me. But it is also a responsibility, there is a lot of work to be done both in my community and to better myself!

5. What is the biggest changing of your self between before your were crowned and after the crowning? I have had to become better at time management, I am not a naturally neat and organized person, so now that I have so many more responsibilities I have had to work hard to become more organized and manage my time accordingly.

6. We know that the swimsuit round is a part of the Miss Universe Organization pageant, meanwhile there are some countries a woman isn't allowed wearing swimsuit in a public because they think that it can demean women. Do you think so?
I don't believe that it is demeaning to women, I work very hard to stay fit and healthy and I don't see anything wrong with showing it off. I am big advocate for fitness and healthy eating, so it's my hope that I will inspire others to get fit and healthy lifestyle too.

7. As you know, this year will be tough year for Miss USA pageant, so many beautiful contestants, do you get any pageant training from your state director? would you like tell us a little bit about your preparation to the pageant?
I am so fortunate to come from a state like Tennessee, because I have an amazing director and fabulous sponsors. I truly have an entire team of people behind me and helping me to prepare for Miss USA.

8. Which one is more important, winning the Miss USA crown or making friendships with the other 50 contestants :)?
Making friendships. Miss USA only lasts for a year, but my friendships will last forever. But, of course, I hope I can do both!

9. The last one, why do you think that the Judges should choose you as the next Miss USA or even Miss Universe?
I am a focused, goal oriented, and intelligent woman. I am confident that I would make a great miss USA. I have the determination and I am willing to put in the work to make it happen.

Special thanks to Greenwood Production and Jessica herself for making this interview is possible. We wish Jessica the very best of luck at Miss USA 2012 :)

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