Monday, January 9, 2012

International Queen of Coffee 2012 Result

The pageant was held on 8 January 2012 in Manizales, Colombia with 24 participating countries

International Queen of Coffee 2012 : BOLIVIA - Ximena Vargas

Vice Queen : COLOMBIA - Yoselín Rincón Castillo

First Runner Up :
INDONESIA - Laskary Andaly Metal Bitticaca

Second Runner Up : VENEZUELA - Gabriella Ferrari

Third Runner Up : BRAZIL - Aline Reis

Special Awards
Best Hair : INDONESIA - Laskary Andaly Metal Bitticaca
Best Face : BOLIVIA - Ximena Vargas
Chicha Cheers : VENEZUELA - Gabriella Ferrari
Queen of Police : COSTA RICA - Fabiana Granados Herrera

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