Monday, November 21, 2011

Miss Earth 2011 Arrivals and The First Few Days

The last of the annual Big Four pageant, Miss Earth, is finally started earlier this week. About 87 delegates will to compete to become the next guardian angel of Mother Earth. The pageant was initially planned to be held in Bangkok, but eventually canceled at the last minute due to (ironically) natural cause, as flood devastating the supposedly host city. Regardless, the competition still goes on, albeit a change in the host city, it's no longer Bangkok but Manila, the city which has hosted Miss Earth from 2001 to 2009. And here they are, the pictures during the delegates arrival in Manila and their activities during the first few days of competition!

Beauties posing together

Say hi to the camera, please .. and don't forget to wave your hand too!

Wales and Netherlands

Welcome to the Oakwood Hotel, the official residence of Miss Earth 2011

Netherlands, Crimea, Czech Republic, Sweden

Registration at the hotel

Nice to meet you Sir!

Estonia and Lebanon before they received the official Miss Earth sash

Thailand and El Salvador

More arrivals and more posers at Oakwood Hotel

First breakfast together

The girls and the hotel officials posing together

Photo credit : Facebook, Missosology, and other sources

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