Sunday, October 9, 2011

IP Best National Costume Manhunt International 2011

Which contestant has the best design of national costume for this year Manhunt International edition? Earlier this week, we have run a poll and asked our forum members to vote for their favorites, and after all the votes were tallied, the winner of Indonesian Pageants Best National Costume for Manhunt International 2011 is ...

INDONESIA - Johan Yanuar

First Runner Up
CHINA - Chen Jian Feng

Second Runner Up
VIETNAM - Truong Nam Thanh

Third Runner Up
THAILAND - Kitsakorn Locharoenrat

Fourth Runner Up
MACAU - Chen Yi Peng

Congratulations Indonesia for being voted as the Best National Costume of Manhunt International 2011 by members of our forum! Also congrats to the other boys who are among the Top 5 most voted candidates! Wish you all luck Guys and stay tuned to find out which ones of the 48 delegates are among our top choice for the Final Leaderboard!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting and. It important information is really beneficial for us. Thankshai kostüm
