Thursday, September 29, 2011

Manhunt International 2011 Part 2 : The First Leaderboard

Our first Leaderboard for Manhunt International 2011 is mainly decided based on the pre arrival pics of the delegates. Based on these pics alone, it seems like this year batch of contestants is not as strong as the last year one. Last year, there was a tough competition among some "God-like" contestants and we really had hard time to decide which one of them should win. This year, sadly, it does not happen. Or ... at least ... not yet. Regardless, there is still a long way to come and we hope they can prove us wrong. But for now, here is the list of our favorites!

The Leaderboard
1. Brazil
2. Venezuela
3. Belgium
4. Greece
5. Costa Rica
6. Lebanon
7. Algeria
8. France
9. Indonesia
10. China
11. Bulgaria
12. South Africa
13. Poland
14. Slovak Republic
15. Iran
16. Thailand

Traditional powerhouses of Brazil and Venezuela placed as the Top 2 of our Leaderboard, sealing their status as the current front runners of the competition. Brazil, a favorite of many, is the one to beat right now. We have seen numerous pictures of him, fashion shoot and candid, and he always delivers in those. If he continues to perform consistently, he could go very far in this competition.

Belgium cuteness makes him a stand out among the rest of the contestants. While the other front runners wow us with their manly type of beauty, Belgium wows us with a refreshing boyish charisma. Lebanon and France were both Top 5 of Mister International 2009 and that certainly says something. Their pageant experience combined with their stunning physical look could help them to go even further this time. Newcomer Algeria is also a hot favorite of many, and being a debutant should give him even more advantage in the competition.

Another factor that we also consider while making this list is the fact that Manhunt International, as an Asian based pageant, seems to favor Asian contestants. In the last 3 editions (2007, 2008, and 2010) Asian countries constitutes for about one third of the semifinalists, and we believe that trend would still continue this time. Among the Asians, the top contenders for the semifinalist spots are China, Iran, Thailand, and Indonesia with India, Macau and Vietnam as the "bubbling up" positions. In addition, Korea, who serves as the host nation, and Hawaii, who consistently placed among Top 5 voting, are potential surprises to steal a semifinalist spot.

So that's all for now. We will publish our second list of Leaderboard once the competition kicks off and more pictures of the contestants during the quarantine released. Stay tuned!

Special thanks to Yutha Diantra for the amazing banner!

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