Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mister Brasil 2011 Final Leaderboard

As 6 Fast Track winners have all been chosen and with only hours before the final of Mister Brasil 2011, here is the final list of our fave contestants ....

The Leaderboard
1. Ilhas de Buzios - Best Body Winner
2. Atol das Rocas
3. Piaui
4. Itaparica - Popular Vote
5. Sao Pedro & Sao Paulo
6. Roraima
7. Amapa - Sports Challenge Winner
8. Rio Grande do Sul
9. Distrito Federal - Sports Model Winner
10. Trindade & Martim Vaz
11. Ilhas do Delta do Jacui
12. Minas Gerais
13. Rio de Janeiro
14. Alagoas
15. Sergipe
16. Fernando de Noronha
17. Mato Grosso
18. Parana
19. Espirito Santo - Talent Winner
20. Sao Paulo - Beauty with a Purpose Winner

So which one of these guys will win the competition and represent Brazil in all male Grand Slam pageants? Stay tuned!

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