Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mister International 2013 "This is The Man" Award

As part of our coverage and celebration of Mister International 2013 season, our community Indonesian Pageants invited our fans at Indonesian Pageants Facebook Page to participate in a public vote to decide which one of the 38 Mister International 2013 contestants deemed as their favorite. After a 10 day-long poll, the results are in. Their votes were then combined with the choice of our admin team. And the winners are ...

First Place : CZECH REPUBLIC - Antonin Beranek

Second Place : INDONESIA - Albern Sultan

Third place : BRAZIL - Jhonatan Marko

All three winners receive a commemorative plaque each, but only the first place winner receive a special "This is The Man" trophy. Inspired by the Indonesian local culture of wayang, the trophy is created in a shape of  a wayang male protagonist of Kreshna, a figure known for his knighthood, bravery, honesty, and wisdom, all of which are characteristics of a true gentleman.

"This is The man" trophy inspired from wayang figure

Congratulaitons to all three winners, especially Mister Czech Republic Antonin Beranek. We would express our gratitude for the memories we have shared during the Mister International 2013 days and wish you a very good luck for your future endeavours!

This is the man! Antonin Beranek from Czech Republic

Antonin Beranek with members of Indonesian Pageants admin team

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mister International 2013 Result

The pageant was held on 21 November 2013 at Skeeno Hall, Jakarta, Indonesia with 38 participating contestants.

Mister International 2013 : VENEZUELA - José Anmer Paredes Jaimes

First Runner Up : INDONESIA - Albern Sultan

Second Runner Up : BRAZIL - Jhonatan Marko

Third Runner Up : MEXICO - Hans Briseno ......... Mister Singapore Organization Choice

Fourth Runner Up : PHILIPPINES - Gil Wagas ......... Fan Vote Winner

Fifth Runner Up : CZECH REPUBLIC - Antonin Beranek

COLOMBIA - Mario Lora
CHINA - Zeyong Tan
SINGAPORE - Edwin Heng
SLOVAK REPUBLIC - Michal Gajdosceh

CANADA - Kristian Denver Diaz
CHILE - Pablo Andres Alcayaga Moline
COSTA RICA - Israel Moya
ITALY - Marco Della Croce
SLOVENIA - Jure Rugani
TURKEY - Ufuk Deger

Special Awards
• Mister Photogenic : INDONESIA - Albern Sultan
• Mister Congeniality : USA - Jeremy Wyatt Akin
The Ideal Body : VENEZUELA - José Anmer Paredes Jaimes
• Best National Costume : PANAMA - Sergio Isaac Lopes

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mister International 2013 Story from Yogyakarta

Aside from the capital city of Jakarta, the contestants of Mister International 2013 also visited the cultural city of Yogyakarta where they did a lot of fun activities, including a visit to the palace of Yogyakarta Sultan and learning how to make batik. Check out the gallery of their visit to Yogyakarta after the jump!

The contestants at the Sultan palace

Traditional dancers accompanying the contestants on their Gala Dinner

Mister Dominican Republic, Spain, Chile, and Puerto Rico

Before enjoying their meal, Mister China is getting interviewed

Mister Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Philippines, and Canada


Taking pictures with some traditional Javanese dancers

Another group photo time!

Taking pictures together

Mister Indonesia

Mister Mexico showing off his batik painting

Mister India and his batik

The contestants listening the instructions on how to make a batik printing

Mister Slovenia and his batik painting

Mister Belgium painted his batik seriously

Mister Greece and his batik painting

Photos by : IP Team Yogyakarta (Justinus, Wisnu, and Anditya)
Article by : IP Team Yogyakarta (Justinus, Wisnu, and Anditya)

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Interview with Mister International 2012 Ali Hammoud

As a tribute to Mister International 2012 Ali Hammoud on his final day of reign, we have a very special interview article with him which was conducted during his last visit to Indonesia last July. Check it out after the jump!

Having a 30 minute chance to talk with Ali Hammoud, the reigning Mr. International 2012 was really fun for Indonesian Pageants (IP). Ali who was born on October 5th, 1989 was really smart and very determined guy. He finished his bachelor and master degree at the Lebanese University, studying Computer Science. He loves mathematics and wants to take Phd in the future however this doesn't make him a math geek. He was always an athletic person, playing football with his friends while he grew up and got a chance to be professional football player in his country. Nevertheless, the destiny turned his life around when he joined Mr. Lebanon 2012 and won. He represented his country in Mr International and once again destiny brought him the title and sash of Mr International 2012. Through his success, he aspires to inspire people to have healthy life style. He has so many things plan for the future with the focus of expanding his own company in Web Development and having his own television show. Let's get to know Ali Hammoud a bit more below.

Three words that describe you?
Honest person, Hardworking and Self Confidence.
Since winning Mr. International 2012, how many countries have you been visiting? is there any country in particular that you would like to visit?
Well, If I count and tell you all about it, I am afraid it will drain the battery of your recorder ha ha... I have been to a lot of countries. I likes to travel a lot, even before I became Mr. International. This is part of what I do now, traveling around, trying to influence people, inspire everyone to have a healthy life style. I am enjoying it. A country I'd like to visit would be UK, I want to see London. Related to flight, I want to do something, watching Real Madrid. I love soccer and Real Madrid.
Have you ever been  to Indonesia before?
 A lot of people have asked me this same question. No, it is actually my first time here. I have heard about indonesia but just about the food it provides which is good. I also heard it have a good tourism spots. Then I come here, and I heard that this country has one hundred thousand islands. There's Bali and also other places to go. The people are welcoming, warm and nice. I like it more. This is what I have found about Indonesia. 
You heard about the good food in Indonesia. How do you find it so far?
Well. I have been here only three days, so I didn't have a chance to taste a lot of food. But what I did had so far, I liked it. I remember only one out of around ten dishes that I have tried, it's called Satay? It's grilled meat with peanut butter sauce. I also like the yellow rice that was built like a pyramid. (IP thinks Ali meant for Tumpeng).

Where do you see yourself five years from now?
5 years from now, I can see my self in more than one places. I opened my own company a year ago and right now I just opened a branch in Dubai. I am expecting my company to expand more and more after five years. I also could see myself have my own TV show, where I will be a host for a program that will influence others.

If you could change a past, what would it be?
Well, Something that I wish I could do probably about sad thing happened to one of my best friend. I lost him in a car accident. I was in the same car with him. I was lucky nothing happened to me. But I wish I could do something about it to help him. I always pray for him. (IP condolences goes to Ali's friend, May he rest in peace)

What's your handsome secret?
Hmm.. you should ask this question to my parents ha ha... Actually i am the kind of person who doesn't really give importance to my look. I do the normal stuffs like brush teeth, comb hair that's its. I am a very simple man. I do care about my fitness and maintain my body though. I tried to go to gym  every day. Mostly four times a week or on busy week at least two times a week.  I also tried to eat healthy food most of the time and avoid the junk food.

What's the positive thing about male pageant?
The male pageant like Man International, L-Men of the Year didn't just about showing and showcasing handsome guy but more to that they want to find a guy who can inspire others, promoting healthy life style. This way we are helping others and also building a good society. I think this is the positive thing about male pageant.

Any interesting thing happened while you were in pageant? at Mr. Lebanon and then Mr. International 2012?
I always forget my stuff! ha ha.. In Mr. Lebanon I forgot my suit on the day i had to be on stage for final.  I finally get it seconds before i had to go on stage. It was bad because there was a rule that if you don't wear formal suit you can't be on stage. Then i wouldn't be Mr. International. On Mr. International, I also forgot, what I forgot was my flight. I had to do a lot of works a day before i left then I overslept. There... you could say i am a forgetful person somehow. he he..

What do you think about L-men of the Year 2013? 
L men as company and organizer are really working hard for this event. I met all the contestants. I think almost all the contestant deserved to win, most of them are twenty and already have good shape of body, they have the abs and also toned. I have talked to almost everyone, they also have good personality, so friendly, so welcoming. They have all they need to win this.

Let's go to personal question, What's your favorite movie?
Well, I am not so much a movie lover. I dont have a special movie but i like horror movie. But here's the funny thing, even though I like horror movie, up til now I haven't found a movie that makes me scared. I usually laugh while my friends got scared. I tried everything to get scared. I tried watching the movie in the dark, you know. Maybe there's something wrong with me ha ha ...

What's your favorite book?
My favorite book titled "the monk who sold his ferrari". I don't remember the name of the author but this book really is really good. it tells a story about a lawyer who worked too much. He spend his life on office didn't have time for his wife and family and friend. When he was old, he sell almost everything that he had and realize that he got nothing. No wife, child or friend. This books inspire me that we should always have time for ourself, for our family, for others. You should read it.

What were your weakness point?
It used to be my weakness point but not anymore. I used to trust everybody, now not anymore. Why? Well being nice person to everyone, friendly to everyone, you believe that everyone is your friend. But when you move, you found that they were talking behind you about you. Now I work on that side of me. To know how to trust a person in front of me, whether he/she is good or bad person. Another weakness point maybe my family. If anything happened to them, I would be very sad. I have two brothers, 21 yo and 15 yo. I always care about them. Maybe I care the most about my youngest brother besides my mom. I treat him like my child he he. 

Interview by : Joolz

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Special thanks to Alan Sim, Mister Singapore Organization, and Nutrifood Team

Interview with Mister International Czech Republic 2013 Antonin Beranek

Our interview with Antonin Beranek, Czech representative at the upcoming Mister International 2013  in Indonesia. Check out the full interview after the jump!


• Full Name : Antonin Beranek
• Birth Date : 7th August 1990
• Age : 23
• Height : 185 cm
• Hometown : Brno, Czech Republic
• Fave Movie : Gladiator and Forrest Gump
• Fave Song : Angels by Robbie Williams
• Fave Actor/Actress : Adam Sandler / Mila Kunis
• Fave Musician : Robbie Williams and Bruno Mars
• Fave Book : Goal!
• Fave Quote : "My momma always said, „life was like a box of chocolates, You never know what you are gonna get." - Forrest Gump

1. Please tell us about yourself, your everyday life, and the city where you live! 
I'm friendly and smile person living in Brno which is the secong biggest city in Czech Republic. I like sport - football for example, after that I go to gym everyday and I keep healthy lifestyle.

2. What hobby or activities you usually do in your spare time? 
I go to a gym everyday or I do some sports with my friends - for example football, voleyball or another colective games and I go to school, cause I study commercial university in Brno.

3. What is the biggest dream or ambition in your life? 
Now I'm living my dream because I'd like to travel a lot - I want to see a lot of places and the first big trip is Indonesia - and in the future I want to have big and happy family.

4. Who or what is the biggest inspiration in your life? 
My biggest inspiration in my life is my mum because I appreciate how she looked after me and everything what she taught me to.

5. If you have to choose only one, which part of your body that you love the most? 
My eyes exactly. I have blue eyes but in my right eye I have a brown spot.

6. Do you believe in miracle? Why or why not? 
I believe in destiny

7. What is your signature style in fashion? Can you describe it for us?
I like fashionable but comfortable clothes. I weat jeans and just t-shirt at main. I spend a lot of time in sportswear because I'm very often in gym. On the other hand if I go for example to some society party I take my favourite suit with tie.

8. What makes you interested to join the Mister International 2013 competition? 
I'm very happy that I can go to the Indonesia because it was my dream to take a part in this competition. I'll see new country and I'll meet new people.

9. In your own opinion, what qualities should a Mister International winner possess? 
I think the winner should be kind, friendly and very comunicative person. He has to represent the Mister International as good as possible.

10. What do you look forward the most from Indonesia as the host of Mister International 2013? 
I'm looking forward to everything - get to know the history and the most to visit the safari and The Temple of Borobudur na Jogja and the final evening!

11. With only less than a month to go, what is your preparation for the upcoming Mister International 2013 competition? 
Yes, Mister International is coming... I train a lot at gym, I keep a special diet - but it's normal in my usual life. I practise English and I read something about Indonesia.

12. Some people say that pageant is superficial. What would you say to those people to prove that they are wrong and that there is also an important substance in pageant? 
They don't know what they are missing because I think there are a lot of interesting posts of pictures.

13. Last but not least, what is your message for all your fans in Indonesia? 
Hi guys, I'm there in one month! Thank you for your support! I'm looking forward to be in Indonesia at the final of Mister International. Many greeting to all. Your Mister Czech Republic - Antonin Beránek.

pecial thanks to Antonin for the amazing interview. We love it so much! Good luck and see you in Indonesia!

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Mister International 2013 Final Leaderboard

If there is something that we say about Mister International 2013, it would be that this year we have no clear front runner. Unlike in several past editions when we had "the one to beat" - a crystal clear winner material - this year will be a very tough competition until the very end. Still we have to make the Leaderboard, and after considering several factors such as the physical look, charisma. and personality, we end up with our final list, as you can see after the jump!

The Leaderboard
1 Turkey
2 Belgium
3 Indonesia
4 Brazil
5 Czech Republic
6 Philippines
7 Slovak Republic
8 Puerto Rico
9 Chile
10 Spain
11 Lebanon
12 Venezuela
13 Peru
14 Slovenia
15 China
16 Sri Lanka

Now let's talk about these men based on their regional groupings. The top two contenders from Asia are Indonesia and Philippines. Being the host delegate, and with such a face which could be suitable for both commercial and high fashion segment, Indonesia seems to be on the right track to repeat their .strong finish in 2010 and 2011. While Philippines is the delegate with the best transformation since he was elected. When he was first named as the national winner in his country, we didn't even consider him as a contender. But now he is a silent killer who may, unsurprisingly, snatch the coveted title and complete Philippines domination in pageant area this year. The rest of Asian delegates are not too strong but we could still see one or two token Asian spots reserved for one these four countries China, Singapore, Sri Lanka, or Thailand.

European and Mediterranean delegates are once again very strong this year. Czech Republic is one of the most handsome man we have ever met in person. Slovak Republic has a charming boyish persona and a body to die for. Belgium is the Mister Personality of the competition. He is a very fun and friendly, and has this "magic" that he can easily impress people even in the first sight. There is no doubt that this is the reason behind his success in his three previous stints in pageantry. Turkey is the prototype of Mister International winner. Tall, tan, muscular, masculine, and very handsome. He could be the very first winner of his country. other strong contenders from the old continent are Italy, Lebanon, Slovenia, and Spain.

Now to the America and Caribbean, Brazil once again proves themselves as the God of male pageant by sending another stunner. We actually don't mind to see him winning but since his country has just won the competition 2 years ago, we doubt they will crown another Brazilian again in such a short period. Venezuela is a strong country in female pageant but very inconsistent in male pageant. Fortunately this time thwy send a good contestant with a good chance to make it very far. Peru and Puerto Rico both have great physique and experience in pageants, while Chile has a fever-inducing "Hot Papa" charisma. Other possible surprise from this region are Mexico and Dominican Republic.

Stay tuned in just a day we will find out who is Mister International 2013!

 Banner by : Yutha

Photos courtesy of : Belleza Venezolana

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Mister International 2013 : Our Top 10 Hot Faves Beach Wear Shoot

The official Mister International 2013 website have published pictures of all 38 contestants in beach wear, and earlier we have selected our 10 favorites. But which one is the number one favorite among them? It's time to name the winner!

First let's meet up with the 10 finalists, and they are ...
Czech Republic
Puerto Rico
Slovak Republic

Now here are our Top 5 favorites in reverse order, starting from the fifth place is ...

SPAIN - Adrian Gallardo Alcoholado

In the fourth place is ...

LEBANON - Firass Abbass

In the third place is ...

TURKEY - Ufuk Deger

In the second place is ...

PERU - Rodrigo Fernandini Chu

And our choice for Best in Beach Wear is ...

SLOVAK REPUBLIC - Michal Gajdosceh

Surely this list is just for fun and does not, in any ways, reflect how the actual judges will evaluate and score the contestants. Congrats to Mister Slovak Republic for being chosen as our top favorite and stay tuned for more to come!

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mister International 2013 : Our Top 10 Hot Faves Evening Wear Shoot

The official Mister International 2013 website have published pictures of all 38 contestants in evening wear, and earlier we have selected our 10 favorites. But which one is the number one favorite among them? It's time to name the winner!

First let's meet up with the 10 finalists, and they are ...
Czech Republic
Slovak Republic

Now here are our Top 5 favorites in reverse order, starting from the fifth place is ...

INDONESIA - Albern Sultan

In the fourth place is ...

SLOVAK REPUBLIC - Michal Gajdosech

In the third place is ...

BELGIUM - Gianni Sennesael

In the second place is ...

TURKEY - Ufuk Deger

And our choice for Best in Evening Wear is ...

CZECH REPUBLIC - Antonin Beranek

Surely this list is just for fun and does not, in any ways, reflect how the actual judges will evaluate and score the contestants. Congrats to Mister Czech Republic for being chosen as our top favorite and stay tuned for more to come!

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Mister International 2013 : Our Top 10 Hot Faves National Costume

The official Mister International 2013 website have published pictures of all 38 contestants in national costume, and earlier we have selected our 10 favorites. But which one is the number one favorite among them? It's time to name the winner!

First let's meet up with the 10 finalists, and they are ...
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Slovak Republic
Sri Lanka

Now here are our Top 5 favorites in reverse order, starting from the fifth place is ...

LEBANON - Firass Abbass

In the fourth place is ...

PANAMA - Sergio Isaac Lopes Goti

In the third place is ...

SPAIN - Adrian Gallardo Alcoholado

In the second place is ....


And our choice for Best National Costume is ...

INDONESIA - Albern Sultan

Surely this list is just for fun and does not, in any ways, reflect how the actual judges will evaluate and score the contestants. Congrats to Mister Indonesia for being chosen as our top favorite and stay tuned for more to come!

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