Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Beautiful Past

Compiled by Yoppie Kurniawan, Boy Yod, Ferriyanto Lim, Rahadian Ilham, and other IP members

Ever wonder how those beautiful pageant winners look like when they were younger ... check out our special gallery here, dedicated to Beauty Queens in their childhood years.

Riyo Mori
(Miss Universe 2007)

Vanessa Goncalvaces
(Miss Venezuela Universe 2011)

Nadine Ames
(Miss Indonesia Universe 2011)

Dayana Mendoza
(Miss Universe 2008)

Rachael Finch
(Miss Australia Universe 2009)

Aishwarya Rai & Oxana Fedorova
(Miss World 1994 & Miss Universe 2002)

Ximena Navarette
(Miss Universe 2010)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Interview with Danielle Doty Miss Texas Teen USA 2011

By Dyra Agus Prasetyo

1. Would you tell a lil bit bout your self?
I am an eighteen year old girl who just graduated number eight in her class. I have been in dance and gymnastics for sixteen years and cheerleading for five. Next year, I will be attending Baylor University where I will be continuing my love of cheerleading as a Baylor Bear spirit squad member! I love adventures and a challenge. I collect quotes and one of my favorites is from Coco Chanel: "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." I feel as if everyone has the chance to make a difference in the world; so that is my goal.

2. Why did you take apart in Miss Texas Teen USA? Does it bring a better life opportunity for you?
I have competed in a few pageants before; however not one with swimsuit or as prestigious as Miss Texas Teen USA. I always watched the USA pageant system on TV since I was a little girl and I knew someday I wanted to try it. So I thought why not. I worked hard, performed at my best potential and came home not only as the swimsuit winner but as Miss Texas Teen USA 2011 which has definitely brought me better life opportunities.

3. Which one serves more in you life, your education, experiences, or you title?
I have worked towards my education for the past eighteen years of my life. After receiving my high school diploma and graduating number eight out of four hundred and six students I can definitely say education is one of the most important lessons in life that can't be taken away from me. However, the experiences from my title are irreplaceable as I have learned such important and valuable lessons that I will cherish forever.

4. How's your preparation to Miss Teen USA?
Hard work! I am almost ready to be walking the stage at Miss Teen USA! I have picked out my competition wardrobe, met with my fabulous sponsors, and I've been taking my workout and healthy eating seriously! I can't wait for this hard work and dedication to pay off!

5. Could you tell us about being a teenager in Texas?
I feel as if being a teenager in Texas has allowed me to grown as an all around person. Texas has so much to offer, whether it's the mix of culture or the un predicting weather the amount of possibilities are endless as it is evident Texas is one states to watch out for!

6. What is the trend in your state that still influences you today?
One of the biggest trends in Texas is our Motto: Don't mess with Texas. We take pride in all we do knowing we have a lot to offer which instills the importance of giving everything I do my all. We are a big state with a friendly and helping heart.

7. According to you, what is the biggest contribution that all Teenagers can do to develop their country / environment ?
Everything begins with one person taking a step in the right direction. Every teenager needs to individually take part in being the change. If one starts many will follow.

8. Who is your idol? Do you believe that today's superstars a suitable as a good role models for every teen?
I cannot speak for everyone but a superstar I believe is a good role model would definitely be Taylor Swift. I like the choices she makes and I feel as if her personality and style is very similar to mine which makes it easy to consider her a positive influence.

9. If you had a day, that you could do anything that you want freely, what would you do?
A day full of adventures most likely spent at the beach! I love the sun and I've always wanted to bungee jump and sky dive. Then I'd just hangout on wave runners and scuba diving! I love the outdoors so this would definitely be how I spend my day!

10. The last one, do you think your self as the citizen of your state, your country or the world?
All of the above. I believe in order to be a citizen of world you have to first start with your state. As a citizen you have certain obligations to uphold and I believe this should be respected by everyone!

Special thanks to Danielle herself and her state director Melodie Smith for giving a chance for us to do this interview. Good luck to Danielle for Miss Teen USA 2011! Wish you the best!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Miss Universe Canada 2011 Result and Trivia

Miss Universe Canada 2011 : Chelsae Durocher

First Runner Up :
Elishia Sahota ....... Best Runway Model

Second Runner Up : Brooke Boyle

Third Runner Up : Emily Kiss

Fourth Runner Up : Krystal Bedard

Celine LaFlamme
Ivanna Tarnowecky
Kim Savard
Linsay Willier ....... People's Choice
Maxime Mastrojoseph
Pablita Thomas
Victoria Volkova

Anastasia Florin ....... Best Body
Jennifer King
Linda Wang
Mannu Sandhu ....... Humanitarian Award
Mariah Dixon
Rana Khaled
Sarah Gheisari ....... Audience Favorite
Sonia Judge


• The current franchise holder for Miss Universe Canada is "Beauties of Canada" Organization which was founded by Nicaraguan-born Canadian Denis Davila in 2002. The organization started to send delegate to Miss Universe in 2003.
• Aside from Miss Universe, the "Beauties of Canada" Organization also holds the franchise for Miss International, Miss Tourism Queen International, International Queen of Coffee, and Miss Asia Pacific.
• Despite its relatively "young" age, Miss Universe Canada has been quite successful in international level. Since 2003, it has produced 2 finalists and 1 Miss Universe winner.
• The selection of the contestants, finalists, and the winners of Miss Universe Canada each year always reflects the unique characteristic of Canada as a multiracial nation. Since 2003 the pageant has already had winners from Russian, Bulgarian, Iranian, French, Moldovan, and Brazilian origin.
• Since 2009, the pageant started to use Fast Track system and allows 5 contestants to automatically enter the Top 20. The 5 Fast Track awards currently used are Best Body, Best Runway Model, People's Choice, Audience Favorite, and Humanitarian Award. However, up until now, none of the Fast Track winners eventually wins the crown.
• Each year, the winner of Miss Universe Canada is always invited to be a VIP guest at Canadian F1 Grand Prix in Montreal, The Toronto Grand Prix, The Toronto Blue Jays, The Toronto Raptors, Canadian Idol, The Toronto International Film Festival and The Much Music Video Awards.
• The fans favorite this year, Elisha Sahota eventually only ended up as the First Runner Up. If only she won, she would have been the first Indian Canadian to win the pageant. Hopefully she will be sent to Miss International.
• The big winner of the night, Chelsae Durocher, has competed at another pageant in Brazil before. She competed at Miss Global Teen 2010, held in Campo Grande, Brazil, where she was Second Runner Up. Now she will be back to Brazil to compete in a Grand Slam pageant, Miss Universe 2011.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Cover Story Issue #3

Compiled by Fikri, Yoppie, Zephend, Niki Hutomo, Wodjo, and various IP members

Aishwarya Rai
(Miss World 1994)

Kim Edri
(Miss Israel Universe 2011)

Dalia Fernandez
(Miss Dominican Republic Universe 2011)

Halle Berry
(Miss United States World 1986)

Dayana Mendoza
(Miss Universe 2008)

Nadine Chandrawinata
(Puteri Indonesia 2005)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

11 Unique Things from Miss USA 2011

By Dyra Agus Prasetyo

1. The Final 2 girls standing in the final night are best friends Tennessee and California, a blonde and a red-haired. It also happened at Miss Teen USA 2005, with a blonde and a red-haired as the Top 2, but that time the blonde is the winner.

2. South Carolina was wearing a gown and a hairstyle which strikingly very similar to the one worn by former Miss USA and commentator of the night, Susie Castillo.

3. For two years in a row, a former Miss Teen USA 2006 delegates becoming 1st Runner Up.

4. For the first time in a history, two former Miss New Jersey Teen USA compete against each other at Miss USA. They were Alyssa Campanella (Miss New Jersey teen USA 2007) and Julianna White (Miss New Jersey Teen USA 2006). However both of them have competed against each other once before during Miss New Jersey Teen USA 2006. That time Alyssa was only the Top 15 while Julianna won. This time, Alyssa is the big winner while Julianna does not even place in Top 16.

5. During preliminary evening gown, Alabama suddenly touch her breast, do you know why?

6. The male MC misspoke the Miss Universe’s name as "Simena Navaret" just like we heard at Puteri Indonesia Pageant. it should have been pronounced as "Jimena" rather than "Simena".

7. California's Queen opposite fate : Miss California USA 1998 Shauna Gambill was the winner of Miss Teen USA 1994 but was only 1st Runner Up at Miss USA 1998. On the other hand Miss California USA 2011 Alyssa Campanella was only 1st Runner Up at Miss Teen USA 2007 but later she became Miss USA 2011.

8. Two contestants were replaced by their 1st Runner Up this year. There were Maine and Wisconsin.

9. The Longest returning Miss Universe Organization pageant delegate is Ashley Lynn Marble. She was Miss Maine Teen USA 2000. After 11 years she’s finally back to USA pageant system.

10. It seems the telecast judges keep disagreeing with the fans. The highest fan vote scored contestant in every phase of elimination round on the final night always failed to continue next cut.

11. Miss USA 2011 = Miss Earth Elimination Format +, American Idol Elimination Announcements + Miss America Crowning Moment and Opening Number.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Miss USA 2011 Result

Miss USA 2011 : CALIFORNIA - Alyssa Campanella

First Runner Up : TENNESSEE - Ashley Durham

Second Runner Up : ALABAMA - Madeline Mitchell

Third Runner Up : TEXAS - Ana Rodriguez

HAWAII - Angela Byrd
MAINE - Ashley Lynn Marble
MARYLAND - Allyn Rose
SOUTH CAROLINA - Courtney Turner

ARIZONA - Brittany Brannon
FLORIDA - Lisette Garcia
GEORGIA - Kaylin Reque
INDIANA - Jillian Wunderlic
MISSOURI - Hope Driskill
NEW MEXICO - Brittany Toll ....... America's Choice
NEW YORK - Amber Collins
UTAH - Jamie Crandall

Special Awards

Miss Photogenic : ARIZONA - Brittany Brannon
Miss Congeniality : KENTUCKY - Kia Hampton

Miss USA 2011 Part 8 : 5 Reasons Why Miss USA 2011 is Special

Here are 5 reasons why we think Miss USA 2011 is a special one!

#1 The Diamond Anniversary
Turning 60 is not something that happens everyday in your life. The Diamond Anniversary of Miss USA marks this pageant as one of the oldest surviving national pageants in the world. It is also a showcase of the people behind the pageant, whose hard work and dedication, has been an important factor to the consistent growth, improvement, and survival of this pageant.

#2 The Big Reunion
Another beautiful thing that happens this year. The Reunion of former Miss USA winners. it is so nice to see them all, especially the ones from earlier years. Truly a moment to watch and talk about.

#3 The Format Change
We are excited, and nervous, to watch the final night, which is promised to be new and different. Not only the pageant makes change in the elimination format, it will also feature a reality show atmosphere with suspense music and interactive features like the SMS / online vote to pick a semifinalist and the "Fan Voting Meter" where the viewers can score the contestants from their home. Whether it's a good change or not, only time will tell.

#4 The Blondes, The Brunettes, and One More!
Normally it's a battle between blondes and brunettes. But there is an extra addition this year ... the red-haired. Yes, it's Alyssa Campanella and her burning hair whose beauty and charm has took the world with storms. With a new party in the race, it's going to be much more exciting to see which color is the best this year. Golden blond, dark brunette, or ... the fiery red one?

#5 The Q&A Round
MUO President Paula Shugart has promised that Miss USA finalists this year will face some of even more challenging questions such as "Is the evolution theory should be taught to students at school?" With the difficulty of the questions raised, we can expect to see a lot of "dumb answer" moments in the final night.

Miss USA 2011 Part 7 : The Third Leaderboard

In less than 4 hours before we find out the new Miss USA, here is the Final Leaderboard of Miss USA 2011. One thing for certain, it is very difficult to pick one winner from these competitive batch. But after assessing the girls from their time in quarantine, especially during the decisive preliminary competition on Wednesday, we finally come up with our final list of frontrunners. This final list is a bit different from the previous ones, and will enlist 16 names, following the format change for the final tomorrow.

The Leaderboard

1 California
2 South Carolina
3 Florida
4 Texas
5 Maryland
6 Michigan
7 Massachusetts
8 Tennessee
9 Georgia
10 Arizona
11 Virginia
12 Indiana
13 District of Columbia
14 Hawaii
15 Connecticut
16 Utah

Despite her almost falling accident during the evening gown round, California still maintains her lead. At this moment, she is certainly the one to beat. She is the fave of the bookies, the global voters at and also our Leaderboard team. However the gap between her and her closest competitors is now getting much closer. In fact we won't be too surprised if any of South Carolina, Florida, Texas, or Maryland sneaks from behind to steal the crown from Campanella.

So that's it ... the Final Leaderboard. We would like to thank Fikriblast, November Rain, Yoppie Kurniawan, Zephend, and Ardy Kusuma who all have been involved in Miss USA 2011 Leaderboard team. You all have made a great choice guys!

Now it's time to wait and see if Campanella ends up being the winner like everyone has expected. It is just less than 24 hours again. Stay tuned!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Miss USA 2011 Part 6 : Best & Worst in Swimsuit

By November Rain, Yoppie Kurniawan, Zephend, Zefozie, Ardi Kusuma, Dyra Agus Prasetyo, and Ayus Wijaya

After watching both the LIVE streaming and recorded version of Miss USA 2011 preliminary, our "expert" members finally make their choice for The Best and The Worst of Miss USA 2011 swimsuit preliminary. Check out all the choice here and compare with your very own version. Is your choice the same as ours?

Best in Swimsuit


She's back! After accidentally steps on her own gown and almost loses her composure in evening gown, mega fave Campanella sweeps the swimsuit round with a bomb. This red-haired bombshell certainly has the body for swimsuit, with such great waist and body tone, and she knows how to utilize it. Amazing!


If a human body can talk, perhaps Lisette's body would say "Look at me, b*tches!" and that's for a very good reason. With such hot body and energetic catwalk, Florida makes us totally floored.
In fact, only a few girls who actually perform really well in both rounds, and Lisette is one of them.


Another girl who knows how to walk in swimsuit. You must have a certain attitude to walk in swimsuit - confident, sexy, energetic, alluring - but not too hoochy at the same time. This blonde nails that attitude perfectly!


Texas is tall and tan with nice abs and a pair of long slender legs. With such a perfect feature as her weapons, it is no wonder if Ana passes the swimsuit round with a flying color!

Worst in Swimsuit


While her body is actually not one of the worst in the bunch, it was her presentation that turns us off. After a trouble with her tricky gown earlier, Alaska fails to redeem herself in this round and comes up with a very boring performance and no improvisation at all.


Her figure is just not at the same level with those Goddess above. It is not toned and not in the best shape for swimsuit competition. And her walk is not too special or memorable either. A very weak performance overall and we don't think Delaware can break its curse this year.


She seems too skinny and unhealthy from some angles, which is a cardinal sin in swimsuit competition. One of our member even consider her swimsuit performance as the worst of all 51 contestants. Her body is not flattering. Her walk is weak. Everything is just so wrong for her.


This girl just doesn't have the "wow" factor. Even if her body shape is better than Delaware or Montana, she still does not impress us by much. Last time she looked like a Prom Queen wannabe in gown, this time she looks like a plain soccer mom.

Miss USA 2011 Part 5 : Best & Worst in Evening Gown

By November Rain, Yoppie Kurniawan, Zephend, Zefozie, Ardi Kusuma, Dyra Agus Prasetyo, and Ayus Wijaya

After watching both the LIVE streaming and recorded version of Miss USA 2011 preliminary, our "expert" members finally make their choice for The Best and The Worst of Miss USA 2011 evening gown preliminary. Check out all the choice here and compare with your very own version. Is your choice the same as ours?

Best in Evening Gown


This Penelope Cruz look alike strikes the runway like a storm. Looking absolutely fierce in that silvery metallic gown, Lisette displays a superior and sexy catwalk that should help her to penetrate the Top 16.


White is perhaps one of the most suggested color for an evening gown in pageant, and it works really well for Alida. She looks so radiant and lovely in that beautiful white gown that fits her perfectly. Having a beautiful face is also an extra score for her.


Just take a look at the picture above and you must agree with us - Channing Pierce looks fierce in the gown. Two of our "expert" members even comment her with one word "wow". It is, perhaps, the best word to describe evening gown performance, where she gets the perfect attitude and plays her gown really well. Her only downfall is her swimsuit performance, which is not as strong as her evening gown performance.

South Carolina

If there is a Miss Elegance award in Miss USA, Cortney would easily bag it. She takes the runway with confidence, poise, and grace as if she is a famous Hollywood actress walks in the Oscar Red Carpet.


Simply chic and elegant. While Ashley is not the best walker in the bunch, she has an aura of freshness that makes her a stand out in the night. Her choice of gown is a bit risky but she manages to work it really well.

Worst in Evening Gown


She tries too hard to become the second coming of Venus Raj. The problem? She fails to play the flowy gown the way Venus did. The result? She looks incredibly nervous and her catwalk looks incredibly weird.


There is maybe a reason why Delaware curse exists. Their delegates are never strong enough to make the cut. This year, she is even one of the worst walker in the bunch. Wearing that unattractive pale blue gown, she is almost negligible in the sea of far more beautiful delegates and gowns.


Have you read our article about "Dress to Kill"? Well this gown is one step closer behind those bizarre gowns. Only someone who wants to kill her chance for semifinal will wear this kind of gown. One of the biggest joke of the night.

New Hampshire

Her gown is actually alright, but her presentation is totally flat and boring. She is armed with one beautiful gown but she fails to make the best of it.


From unflattering gown to ugly hairstyle ... everything goes wrong for Ohio. She looks like a cheerleader trying to become a Prom Queen rather than a glam supermodel type that the judges prefer these days.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Cover Story Issue #2

Compiled by Fikri, Yoppie, Zephend, Niki Hutomo, and various IP members

Rima Fakih
(Miss USA 2010)

Astrid Ellena
(Miss Indonesia 2011)

Riyo Mori
(Miss Universe 2007)

Sheldry Saez
(Miss Panama Universe 2011)

Braneka Bassett
(Miss Bahamas 2010)

Amelia Vega
(Miss Universe 2003)